
Aparigraha is defined as the practice of non-attachment. What does non-attachment mean in the modern life? Non-attachment is obviously different culture to culture and decade to decade.

Non-attachment in general means to not hold onto more wealth than necessary for a comfortable way of life. This definition varies from person to person. While some people are comfortable living a minimalist lifestyle with a smaller house, living off of food that they grow and clothes that they make, others consider a comfortable life something far different.

Some people need technology in order to do their jobs, nicer clothes for their meetings and larger houses to accommodate their families. Some people also feel the need to travel in order to relax and see other cultures. More expensive healthy food might be considered a necessity to some people.

As you can see aparigraha can mean different things to different people. The main focus on aparigraha needs to be making sure our neighbors needs are taken care of. And by neighbors I don’t just mean the family that lives next door to you. I mean your larger community. If there are homeless people living in your community, you should work to make sure that they have the resources they need to be feed, clothed and housed.

Now I’m not saying that the needs of others rests on your shoulders alone. If everyone works together to practice aparigraha, it will be much easier to tackle making sure our communities are taken care of.

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