7 day challenge

7 day challenge

Let me paint a picture for you that may sound familiar. You’ve been watching a friend work his/her network marketing business. You go through mixed emotions of being annoyed with their posts and intrigued. Your friend contacts you and wants you to give their products a try. You give the products a try, love them and decide maybe, just maybe you could sell these products too. After all, you’re already sharing about them, why not make a little money.

You get started in the business and start sharing to social media like crazy. After all, that’s how you got hooked right? You start sharing your personal testimonial and start getting likes and comments. People are actually interested! Cool! You may even sell to a few friends and add a couple of team members. But then something happens. You are still posting and still sharing your sales, but you are getting fewer likes and comments. You are reaching out to people personally through messages, emails and phone calls and hearing crickets.

Sound familiar?? You were doing so well at the beginning! What went wrong?! I’ll tell you what went wrong. SELLING!! No one wants to be sold to. “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek

Has selling gotten you away from why you use the products? Have you forgotten to keep telling your story without realizing it? I’m here to get you back on the right track. I’m offering you a 7-day social media challenge to help you change the way you post and influence more people. During this 7 Day challenge each morning I will send you a social media post prompt. You can customize this prompt to your network market. This will challenge you to think outside of the box with your posts and help you get away from the salesy posts that everyone runs away from.

Are you ready to join this challenge?! The challenge will go May 2nd – May 8th.

*As an added bonus I’m setting up a private Facebook group to go along with this challenge. You all can share your posts each day in this group so that we can give each other love on the posts and feedback and what could have been done better.*

Sign up here to join this challenge!!

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  1. Sounds like an interesting challenge!

  2. Great challenge. I think it would be interesting to give an award to the most unique sharer. Because sometimes I’ll get messages from my friends, and it’s all share share share, and then–boom–there it is… the sales pitch. Ugh. And most of the time it would be fine if I thought it was real, but most of the time I can tell it’s a script that’s been fed to the friend. Because I know her. And I know she’s NOT making $2,000 a month. Authentic sharing is awesome. And then you know what? I’ll probably buy your stuff just because you’re so freaking real.

    1. Exactly!!! You can always tell the people who copy and paste from their team. Have an original thought for Pete’s sake! And be honest! People who post about the $$$ when I know they are lying make me SO mad.

  3. Sounds like a really cool challenge!

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