If you want to have a career working with children in the future, then you have probably known this from a young age.  You may have loved babysitting, hanging out with your younger cousins, or volunteered at your local place of worship or preschool to help with the kids.  Fortunately, there are many careers available to those who are interested in working with kids that will warm your heart that range from needing no formal education to an MBA.

Here are six careers that may be right for you.

  1. Teaching is one of the most sought-after careers for those who love working with children.  In order to be a teacher, certain skills, such as patience and effective communication, are essential.  For example, you may be teaching up to 24 or so children at once, so a cool temper is needed when the class becomes unruly.  Prepare yourself by earning Bachelor of Science in early childhood education.  Within this curriculum, you will learn the ins and outs of childhood behavior and development so you can teach children effectively and they can grow and learn and be prepared for when they have important test by using resources from educational services like saps ibu bapa .  A teaching career is certainly not for everyone, so if you are unsure, consider volunteering at a preschool or becoming a substitute teacher to gain some experience and perspective.  Today, many teachers will pursue a master’s degree to refine their skills and remain competitive in the job market.
  2. Child Psychologist. As a child psychologist, your job is to observe and analyze the behaviors of children for their mental health.  Many child psychologists work in schools, childcare services, or in private practices.  This job is not for the faint of heart—it is not uncommon for child psychologists to have to deal with cases of child neglect and abuse.  A child psychologist may also specialize in the treatment of certain mental disorders or illnesses.  Others may also gravitate toward family therapy; this job requires the therapist to work with an entire family as individuals and as a whole to create a more dynamic and healthy home life.  As an alternative, many in this field will pursue research and perhaps become professors so that they can continue their research.  In order to become a licensed therapist, most child psychologists earn a doctorate degree.
  3. Juvenile Justice Attorney. A juvenile justice attorney is someone who legally represents a minor under eighteen in court.  They may not only represent as defendants but also as prosecutors as well.  Just like with other attorneys, a juvenile justice attorney has the job of defending the rights of whom they represent.  They will protect the rights of minors who may have become the victim of a crime or injustice, and they may also defend minors who have been accused of crime.
  4. Pediatric Nurse. Someone who becomes a pediatric nurse will work with children in hospitals or doctors’ offices.  Similar to a regular nurse, a pediatric nurse will perform routine screenings, check-ups, care for ill children, and diagnose illnesses.  In order to become a pediatric nurse, you must earn a nursing degree.  The process of obtaining this degree can be grueling, with time balanced between the classroom and in the field, but it offers a huge reward: to maintain or restore a child’s health.
  5. Camp Director. A career as a camp director does not just have to be for gap-year students and those who are still in college.  In fact, it is a great job for those who are still children at heart.  It is even possible to move up the ranks into supervisory or managerial positions that can help you earn a higher salary.
  6. Day Care Owner. Most families now have two working parents, and therefore day cares are becoming more and more in demand.  Parents want to entrust their children to a responsible day care center so they do not have to worry about the health and safety of their child.  Keep in mind that, if you own a daycare, you will be solely responsible for all of the needs of the numerous children under you care, and you will also have all of the responsibility of running your own business.  Being a day care owner affords you the privilege of freedom to run your own business, but that also means that the success or failure of the business depends on you.  Be sure that if you decide to own a daycare that you become an expert in child psychology and that you gain the proper daycare certification.

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  3. I absolutely love working with children. I have been a nanny for 4 years and went to school for ece. I do not want to be a teacher. I am having trouble figuring out where I want to take this career.

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