Healthy Living

5 Must-Try Superfoods To Boost Hair Health

5 Must-Try Superfoods To Boost Hair Health

There are many reasons women struggle with hair health, and lifestyle stressors are significant factors. Busy moms can relate to the postpartum period when hair loss sets in and never seems to get any better. Instead of seeking out a topical hair care solution, adjusting nutrient intake is an excellent way to turn hair health around.

Here are five must-try superfoods to boost hair health that can be incorporated seamlessly into your day.


While there is a possibility you’re eating eggs already, you may not be eating enough. There are many ways to prepare eggs, whether as an ingredient in a dish or a stand-alone meal at breakfast. The protein found in eggs can help fill in any gaps in your overall nutrition.

There are many who experience a bout of hair loss after having children and turn to extensions to alleviate the burden. But by adding in additional protein through eggs, you can slowly nourish your natural hair and relieve yourself of extra maintenance.

Dark Greens

Dark greens come in many forms, including spinach, turnip greens, and broccoli. Greens are an excellent source of nutrients for hair health, and you can choose to eat only your favorites or come up with a rotation to give you some variety. If you’re eating one whole serving of greens daily, you’re receiving the nutritional benefits your hair needs.


Another must-try superfood to boost hair health is oats. There are many recipes that use oats, and they are one of the most inexpensive foods you can buy. Oats are an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, and toxin-flushing properties, all of which contribute to the health of your hair follicles.


Avocados can do wonders for the body, especially your hair. They contain the supercritical vitamin E, which contributes to hair growth. Additionally, avocados contain fatty acids, a building block for the body’s cells to help fight against free radicals.

Organic Nuts

Organic nuts are another relatively simple way to keep your hair healthy. There is a wide variety of edible nuts, including cashews, walnuts, and peanuts, but almonds contain some of the richest forms of vitamin E and fatty acids. Nuts are an excellent way to incorporate minerals and vitamins into your daily life—just grab a handful and go.

Maintaining or restoring hair health doesn’t have to be challenging, but it can be confusing if you’re unsure where to start. Luckily, these superfoods can be integrated into your diet at any time and in a way that works best for you.

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