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4 Factors That Influence College Choice

Deciding where to attend college or university is an exciting but major decision for anyone to make, especially for someone who has only recently graduated from high school. With the cost of tuition continuing to rise, students and parents want to make sure they are getting a good value for their money. Here are four factors that prospective students might want to consider when choosing a college. 

1. Price

Cost is one of the key factors that people consider when choosing where to pursue their post-secondary education. Spending loads of money or taking on large amounts of debt is not a good choice for everyone, particularly those who are unsure what field of study they wish to follow going into college.

However, college administrators such as President of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bashar Hanna know that price should not be the only factor that people consider in their search. For example, the more expensive private colleges are often able to give generous scholarship packages to qualified students in need. Public universities usually offer tuition at a lower rate for those who are residents of the state where the school is located. 

2. Location

Residency requirements notwithstanding, location is another important factor when it comes to college choice. Going to college somewhere close to home has the advantage of a shorter drive back home, which makes it easier to visit more often. However, attending college can be a great opportunity to move away from home and experience a new town or city. Going to college far away from home can be appealing to people who wish to become more independent from their families. This is a personal decision that depends on the desires of each individual student. 

Besides the distance from home, it is important to consider the location of the school itself. Some students prefer the wide range of opportunities and activities available in a large city, while others might find the hustle and bustle distracting to their studies. The regional climate is another factor to think about, especially since many college students do a lot of walking between classes. 

3. Size

There are pros and cons of both smaller and larger schools. Students who attend smaller schools are more likely to have smaller classes and form one-on-one relationships with their professors. Larger schools, however, provide more of certain resources, such as larger libraries and athletic facilities. This is a factor that comes down to what is more important to the one who is entering college. 

4) Programs Available

One way to begin deciding what to study in college is by considering your interests. What subjects do you enjoy learning about? What topics do you find most engaging? If you have a passion for a particular subject, chances are you will be more successful and fulfilled if you pursue that interest in college. In addition to thinking about your interests, it is also essential to consider your abilities. What are you good at? What do you find easy to learn? Consider both your strengths and weaknesses when making your decision. It is also important to remember the type of job you hope to pursue after graduation. What kind of position do you want? What skills will you need to succeed in that field? By taking the time to answer these questions, you can choose a field of study that is right for you. If you want more information on deciding what study courses to enroll in, visit the Richard Hansen Dean website for tips and advice.

These are four of the many factors that students should take into consideration when deciding where to attend college or university.