365 days to a healthier you

I’m starting this group for real people like myself who need motivation and tools to live a healthier life. This group will include anything from workouts, healthy eating to keeping a happy healthy mind. I’m not a fitness or health expert. I’m not a psychologist. I’m just a real busy mom who faces daily challenges just like the next person. While I love working out I have far from perfect eating habits. I take very little time to take care of myself. Hell, look at my roots from my hair that I haven’t done since October!

I just want to take 2016 to take one day at a time to making myself healthier, not only for myself, but to be a good role model for my kids. I want to welcome you all to join me in this journey. Just remember that we are all different. You will workout differently from me, eat differently from me, relax in different ways from me. The point of this group is to use it as a tool to motivate and push yourself to live YOUR healthier life.

A couple of rules:

  1. Absolutely NO SELLING! While we all have our favorite health and fitness products I really want to maintain the purity of this free group. If I see anyone posting anything salesy the post will be removed.
  2. No pity parties. We all have bad days, weeks, months, even years. And it’s ok to vent every now and then. Who knows? The group may have some great resources to help you out of your funk. But please, please don’t use this group to have a pity party all the time. I want to keep this group as positive as possible.

This group is already under way and is filled with TONS of excited and supportive members!! Are you ready to join?! If you are ready to have tons of accountability partners to get healthy this year either leave me a comment below or fill out this form so I can get to know a little bit more about you and your goals!

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  1. These are great! I like the no pity party one, I’ve been guilty of that a couple times last year.

  2. This is such a great idea! Our fitness group is so much fun and rewarding to se everyone hitting their goals!

  3. I like this challenge. Especially the no selling. Sometimes it gets overwhelming trying to improve but people are coming at you with several different products.

  4. This sounds like a great idea! I love how the rules are simple and straight forward. This will be great encouragement to members. I have one on Facebook called The No Spend Challenge for frugal living. I also have another one called Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover for personal finance. We have very strict rules about selling and negative vibes. Keep up the good work! Happy new year and best wishes in 2016!

    1. Very cool!! I might need to join your no spend challenge group! I’m pretty sure I need it to recover from the holidays!

  5. Just sent in my form! I hope it’s not too late to join in on the group! I love the no pity party rule, it will prevent me from making excuses LOL

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