Healthy Living Lifestyle

30 Day Sugar Challenge

sugar challenge

sugar challenge

Now that Valentine’s Day is out of the way and we are a month away from Easter I think it’s time for a sugar challenge! I’ve got to admit sugar is one of my biggest weaknesses and this really comes as no surprise as it’s reported as being more addictive than some dangerous drugs.So here’s the plan. I strongly believe that making swift drastic changes only lead to short term changes. This is why with this challenge I want you all to take baby steps (or maybe child size steps

So here’s the plan. I strongly believe that making swift drastic changes only lead to short term changes. This is why with this challenge I want you all to take baby steps (or maybe child size steps) to losing the sugar. No detoxes or cleanses required for this one. Just good ol’ fashioned making good choices. Each week I want you to ditch one thing that you’ve been consuming that contains too much sugar. Some ideas: sodas, cakes, cookies, candy, processed foods with added sugar and especially foods or drinks with artificial sugars (SUGAR FREE DOES NOT MEAN HEALTHY).

Who’s in for this challenge over the next month?! Need accountability?! Join my FREE challenge group on Facebook!

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