keep your sanity

keep your sanityI don’t know about you all, but 2017 was a nightmare in the world of politics. Every time I turned on the news I felt like I was watching a train wreck. It doesn’t matter which news outlet I watched, they all broadcasted as if the sky was falling. Maybe the sky is falling. What as Americans can we do about it? I know I certainly don’t want to bury my head in the sand and hope that things get better. But I also don’t want to lose myself and my friends and family because of politics.

Here are a few steps I am taking in 2018 to stay politically active without losing my sanity.

Watch Less National News

I swear the national news drives me insane. They are either preaching to the choir and making my blood boil or ignoring the important news altogether and acting oblivious to what is going on. For those reasons, I am going to watch less national news.

Watch More Local News

As a Tennesseean, there isn’t a lot I could do about the senate race in Alabama. I basically had to hope for the good of mankind that Alabamans made the right decision to NOT elect an accused sex offender. As a Tennesseean, there is a lot I can do to help with the upcoming races in Tennessee. That is why I am going to start following the local news a little more closely to stay informed on the candidates so that I can share information with my friends, family, and social media.

Get Involved in Local Politics

The best way to make a positive change in the political climate is to start on the local level. Find out who you city councilors are. Get to know your mayor and their goals they are working towards. Find out how you can help in your neighborhood and school systems. Big changes start with small steps.

I’m really hopeful that we have a turning point in 2018. We have got to start having more adult conversations that don’t involve finger pointing and name calling. Be the change you seek in the world.

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1 Comment

  1. Agree with your thoughts, In current scenario it is necessary to get updated about each and every political factors. You must need to know political junkies, political spectrum, current candidates information, etc. So you would know whom to select in next election.

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