People are quick to point out the physical benefits of meditation like lowered blood pressure and decreased anxiety. But meditation doesn’t just affect your physical health. It can also affect the health of your relationships. Here are just a few of the relationship benefits you’ll get if you regularly practice mediation:
The Ability to Listen
Meditation teaches you how to be present in the moment. It gives you the chance to check in with your mind and body. But more importantly, it shows you how to listen. This can come in handy when it comes to defusing arguments with your partner and loved ones.
You and your partner may argue over who will wake the kids up and get them ready for school. One morning your spouse might wake up cranky and be frustrated that it is their turn to take the kids to school which leads to an argument.
But if you’ve been meditating, then you know to slow down and tune into your partner. You notice the bags under her eyes and say, “I’ll handle the kids today. You look tired. Is there something else I could take off your plate?”
The Ability to Step Back
Sometimes, loved ones disappoint us. On those days, it’s easy to start focusing on everything you do and everything your loved one doesn’t do.
You might fume to a co-worker, “I chauffer the kids every evening so he can have time to de-stress after work. But he complains when I ask him to do something simple like pack the children’s lunch bags.”
Meditating helps you remember that the universe is vast and these problems are small in the scheme of things. It doesn’t mean you’re not irritated. It just means you don’t let that irritation develop into a huge fight next time you see your spouse.
The Ability to Show Compassion
Your friend who routinely quits her jobs is whining about money problems again. You love your friend but she always creates her own problems then asks you for a solution.
You might find yourself being a little more compassionate after meditation. You empathize with her lack of money by saying, “It stinks when finances are tight. Hang in there. Things will get better.”
Then you change the subject of the conversation. Your friend feels like she was heard and you avoided the usual theatrics. That’s a win-win.
Meditation can benefit your life in many ways. But like all practices, you get out of what you’re willing to put into it. If you want the benefits of meditation you have to make it a priority. Meditate daily and you will begin to see the benefits in your relationship.
I love the part about listening! I can see how meditation would help
I fully believe everything you said here. Getting an outside perspective can be so beneficial to relationships. Thanks for sharing
Sounds like I need to meditate! I’ve heard great things about it in general!
I recently started incorporating meditation and affirmations into my daily routine, It’s been great!
Meditation is such a wonderful tool. It’s helped me in so many ways, but especially with anxiety. I truly wish everyone would try it.
This was a great read. I love meditation to help focus and think more clearly. I never thought about how it can help to listen.
Great points, I find meditation so helpful but often we don’t think about the exact, tangible ways it helps us. It’s great to have these points all laid out, I definitely recognize these things improving so thanks for the reminder!
Meditation is so powerful. We have just started introducing it to our kids.
True that, meditation improves our attitude towards life and people. Sobit improves the relations
I honestly had never really given meditation too much of a second thought, but this makes so much sense!
Showing compassion is soo important in relationships. Just knowing that some is listening to you and cares about you goes a long way. Thanks for sharing!
I see the importance of meditation. Imagine if all people will do this then the world can be a better place.
These are all good things to keep in mind. I think in general it makes sense, to allow time to think on things before reacting too quickly with anything negative.
Meditation has so many great benefits, but helping to take a step back and reflect is one of the best.
I really like how you say it makes you IN the moment when you meditate, thank you for the reminder!
I wish i’d do more meditation! Thanks for sharing this!
Started meditating as part of my daily routine and it helps me solve problems also. A great practice to fall back on in times of stress. Thanks for sharing!
Meditation and mindfulness are keys to living a better life. Above 3 things are the blessing that we can achieve from meditation. Thanks for providing information.
The ability to step back is such a great strenth to have and I am glad that meditation can help with this.
I love to meditate for a few minutes a day. It feels so good and relaxing.
I live practicing meditation and try to pair it with yoga. I always have trouble sitting still so the activity of yoga helps me to still my mind.
All these points are so true ! There’s so much benefits for meditation !