3 Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Charity

Kids’ worlds are small. It mainly consists of their house, maybe school, and that’s the main extent of their daily lives. Especially now, during the coronavirus pandemic, their worlds are as small as ever.

Every parent needs help to get their family through this pandemic—one proactive way to get through this time is by using this downtime as an opportunity to instill good values in your kids. To help you do this, here are some tips for teaching your kids about charity.

Teach Them the Basics

First, start by giving your kids an overview. Talk about how there are a bunch of different charities that each do various things for a range of causes. This means there are many different types of charitable giving, too, that include giving your time, money, or things.

Be ready for questions—your kids may not understand exactly why charities would do what they do. Doesn’t everyone want to keep their things? Then again, kids have an uncanny capacity to surprise us with their generosity, so they may get it quickly. If they struggle, illustrate how a charity works by creating a story.

Practice Giving Back

Practice is a uniquely handy teacher. For this reason, the second tip for teaching your kids about charity is to get them involved in giving. Consider instituting little charitable acts throughout the house as you hunker down and social distance. Maybe even talk to your kids about doing chores so that they can earn money to give to a charity that helps people during the current crisis.

Tangibly doing something, or putting the idea of charity into motion, illustrates the concept to a child effectively, especially if they know how their gift will help others.

Give Them Good Exposure to a Charity

That said, they’ll need to learn about charities’ work for their own gift to make sense. While you may not be able to go out and volunteer, researching charities can help. Looking at videos of people helping others makes everything much more concrete for your kids and motivates them to be generous.


16 thoughts on “3 Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Charity”

  1. Appreciating the topic. Will be great if our children practice this. Thank you for sharing this

  2. These are really great tips for parenthood. I would definitely gonna save this for future, For now, will be sharing this to my friends. Thank you!

  3. Such great post. It is so required to teach kids about charity and your post provides good tips. It is mandatory to teach them when they are young.

  4. I agree with all of these. If there’s something that I’d instill in my future kids’ hearts its the importance of ‘giving back’ or ‘paying forward’. Thank you for this inspirational post!

  5. I love that with everything going on this is what you are writing about. With so many being so people worrying just about themselves I think it is amazing that you are taking the time to teach your kids about giving.

  6. Such a wonderful thing to instill to kids while they are young! Can’t wait to see them becoming charitable persons in the future.

  7. You are definitely standing by charity begins at home, it’s really important to teach good moral values!

  8. This is lovely. I will always remember when my family and I were walking around a city and we saw a young woman with a baby begging in the street. Nobody said anything, but my youngest brother asked for his allowance and gave it all to the woman. He was about 6 years old 🙂

  9. Certainly starting them young will incorporate more than just charity in their lives: empathy, compassion, an ability to relate to people different from themselves. Good job!

    So far as the general concept of giving back and the nitty gritty: have you thought about a donor advised fund and perhaps wrapping your readership into it? We just began ours with a goal to donate to a cause monthly, leveraging FIRE concepts within the actual giving fund, and bring our readers right into the individual grant choices.

    It seems like something kids could learn from to, having a hand in things.

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