Why It’s Important To Keep Kids Safe Digitally

There are many dangers in the world, from cars, to walking alone in quiet places, and bullying at school but what about online? Most kids have access to the internet now which means they have much chance of finding websites that could be damaging to them as well as connecting with people they don’t know who may not be who they say they are. What if your child is on social media and they are being bullied for any number of reasons. Online bullying is just as serious as any type of bullying and can lead to the same issues for the person dealing with it. Every child should be happy and healthy in their own bodies and minds. 

Why It's Important To Keep Kids Safe Digitally

You may want to look at tracking your child’s website history and seeing what you can do in terms of stopping them from going on websites that you prohibit. There are lots of chat rooms and websites available such as web forums that children can get sucked into. They can make friends and feel less alone, but also, there can be issues, so monitoring their usage is going to be great for you as a parent. You don’t want to have the added fear of wondering what they are looking at online. If they have a cell phone you may also want to see what they are posting on there and who they are texting. With specialist cell phone trackers you can keep on top of what your kids are doing. With free cell phone tracker by number you can be sure that any phone number in their phone book is one that you know and that there are no foreign numbers or messages that seem unusual to you. It is not wrong to want to track your children, it’s smart. If your child has gone out at night with friends, you can track their geolocation and if they have gone for the weekend camping with friends, you can be sure that they are doing. 

This can be done at any time of day too, even if they are at school. Being vigilant is key to keeping your kids safe. Most people set rules for their kids, curfews and want them to do well at school. If they are spending too much time online or talking to people then they probably aren’t going to be doing as well as they possibly could at school. 
By utilizing apps and computer programs, you can always make sure that they are safe, even by tracking them all the way home, there are ways to always put your child’s best interests first. Encouraging them to check in with you often and encouraging them to talk to you about their worries and fears also is vital. If children don’t feel secure or that they have a great relationship with you, they may turn to others and this could be a danger if they are talking online. Be safe. Be wise. Keep your kids safe.

13 thoughts on “Why It’s Important To Keep Kids Safe Digitally”

  1. These are some really helpful tips. As time goes on its becoming more and more dangerous for kids to be online. My daughter is only 2 so I can only imagine how things will be in the future for her, but we will do everything we can to make sure she is safe.

  2. I think this is so important to share with people about keeping your kids safe on the Internet.

  3. I completely agree with this. We don’t even let my little one use the computer without us being completely present and knowing what website she’s on. It always worries me what she can accidentally bump into. So good to have these reminders for all families especially now that we’re spending our time at home.

  4. Yes, we have to be reminded that there are online threats towards our children and thus, proper guidance is a must when we allow them to go online.

    We also carefully chose apps to install in my daughter’s tablet now that she’ll be using it more due to her online classes.

  5. Omg yes to all of these tips. My kids aren’t allowed to even talk to anyone on the internet. Even on their kid games.

  6. Our oldest is 15 and doesn’t even care to be online. He uses my accounts if he has a research project. It’s going to be harder with kid #2. Thank you for these tips!

  7. This is so important, especially since our kids are using electronics now more than ever! Kids are more effected with mobile and electronics devices.

    thank you so much for article

  8. It sure is important to keep them safe online. I didn’t buy phones for my kids until they were 16 years old. And I always make sure that I’m someone that they can easily talk to. I don’t track their phones though because they will know about it. I guess what I want to build is mutual trust. But, I’ve warned them about stuff that could happen including accessing shady websites and harassment on social media. But, I know I should be careful because kids may not feel like telling me things as much as I want them to.

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