For Bloggers

2 WordPress Plugins That Had to Go

I love finding WordPress plugins that make my life easier. But I recently had to remove 2 plugins that were actually causing me nothing, but headaches. They seemed like a good idea to install at the time and I had hopes that they would work seamlessly.

The first plugin I had to remove was the Facebook Comments plugin. I originally installed this plugin quite a while back because I thought it would make it super convenient for my users with Facebook to leave comments. The problem with this plugin is that I don’t receive notifications from my web site or Facebook when someone comments on a post through this plugin. I love interacting with my readers. I would feel incredibly rude if I didn’t. And I’ve been finding that this plugin has been causing me to neglect the users who comment. So I’ve decided I’ll have to suck it up and lose the comments that I’ve had through this plugin to ensure that I am engaging with my audience. I’m going to stick with using Comment Luv.

The other plugin I had to remove was Easy Watermark. I thought this would be a cool plugin that would automatically add a watermark to my images to keep people from stealing my pictures. The problem with this plugin was that I had very little control of where the watermark was placed and it ended up just looking really tacky. So this plugin is also gone.

Have you all ever had plugins that you had high hopes for that ended up being a disappointment? Leave me a comment and let me know your experience. Hopefully we can help save each other some hassle!

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