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I can now say that I have tried out all of the mom categories. Stay at home mom, work from home mom and now work outside the home mom. Each scenario has had its challenges. And each scenario has had its strengths. I can now say one of the biggest struggles I’ve had with being a work outside the home mom has been staying consistent with working out.
When I was a stay at home mom and a work from home mom, I was able to set my hours for the most part and make time to go to the gym. Now that I’m working for a company I have set hours when I need to be at work and when the work day ends. These hours including commute time leaves very little time for working out.
I could wake up earlier to go to the gym, but who really wants to wake up at 5 am. I could go to the gym after work, but this would cut into precious time that I have to spend with my kiddos. The only solution that I’ve found that works for me and my schedule is to work out at home in the mornings before I wake the kids up.
Here is my morning routine:
Wake up at 6:15 and drink my pre-workout drink
Workout from 6:20 – 6:50
Wake the kids up at 6:55
Get ready until 7:30
Drop the kids off at school or summer camp between 7:35 and 7:45
Drive to work at 8:00
Sure I could wake up earlier to go to the gym, but then I would have to add in drive time to get to and from the gym. So I decided to cancel my gym membership. As of right now, I’m using Beachbody On Demand to workout at home. I have access to every single workout program Beachbody has ever released for $99 per year. That’s cheaper than my $20 per month gym membership and I get to work out at home. The only equipment I use are some free weights, a yoga mat
, and a resistance band
I want to hear from you all! How do other busy moms keep up with your workout routine? If you want more information about Beachbody On Demand I would love to help. As a disclaimer, I am a Beachbody coach. I’m just not a pushy coach.
I believe that time management is very important.. Kudos for making your schedule work for everything. I still don’t know how you manage that. If I have your sched – I might be so exhausted before bed..
It is important to mind our health and set some time in our day to exercise. I used to go through months without exercise and I paid dearly for it. Lesson learned. Now I am back to moving my body and reaping the benefits.
I love this! I have found that as a working mom the only way I can work out is if I do it first thing in the morning before anyone gets up
I can believe that when you have children finding time for your workout can be very difficult. I am going to the gym at the moment, but I don’t have any children.
I agree that working out from home is better because we have more time with the kids. I’m also trying to do this, I must confess that it requires lots of strength to do it! 🙂 My sofa and Netflix are always trying to sabotage me!!!! 🙂
Even if with children can be hard to find time for training I think it is very important. It helps us to feel better to release stress.
Great tips for any mom who is constrained by time.
I Couldn’t agree more. Working from home gives us more time to spend with our kids
Great tips from you some of the moms they don’t have time to go working out. but this post would help a lot and really effective 🙂
wow this looks like my morning routine!! the struggle is real!! thank you for sharing!
Wow! I wish my wife would have the same passion as you. Hehehe. I hope she does not read this though.
it seems the more hectic the schedule the one we always short change is ourselves. making time, scheduling time to do the things we need to do is so important. Sadly, I’m a hypocrite as of late. Work to live, not live to work, right? I need to get my ass back on the wagon B4 I find I no longer fit on it 😉
It is very difficult to take time for a workout or self-care. These are some of the great suggestions.