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Women’s Health: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Pelvic Pain

Women’s Health: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Pelvic Pain

Although life is busy, never neglect your health. Dealing with pain and discomfort isn’t necessary when treatment is available. Read why you shouldn’t ignore pelvic pain and seek help if needed!

Possible Underlying Conditions

Our bodies have ways of telling us something is wrong. Ongoing pain and discomfort indicate trouble. You can experience chronic pelvic pain for many reasons, like ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, and irritable bowel syndrome. A gynecologist or specialist can find and treat conditions.

Like most conditions, the longer left untreated, the worse the problem gets. Ultimately, you should put a stop to issues early.

May Have a Pelvic Floor Disorder

One of the most common causes of severe pelvic pain is pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor is a large sheet of muscle with nerves, ligaments, and connective tissues. The components support your bladder, uterus, and vagina. Consider the system a hammock that supports your pelvic organs.

If you have a disorder, you should see a pelvic therapist because they have specialized treatment that restores function. Without help, you’ll continue to experience pain and other related symptoms like bladder incontinence and pelvic weakness.

Suffering From Unnecessary Pain

You shouldn’t ignore pelvic pain because it’s unnecessary suffering! Putting off treatment may lead to long-lasting discomfort that impacts your quality of life. No one wants pain to interfere with daily activities, so it’s worth investigating. Proper diagnosis and treatment can get your life back on track!

Symptoms To Know

If you have pain that feels more intense than period cramps or last longer than a few days, it’s best to seek medical help. You should also be aware of the symptoms that accompany pelvic pain. Here are some symptoms to know:

  • Heavy or abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, or laughing

Diagnostic Tests

Since many conditions can cause pelvic pain, finding a diagnosis involves a process of elimination. Doctors may ask you for a detailed history of your personal health. They’ll also perform tests like pelvic exams, ultrasounds, laparoscopy, and imaging tests. The goal is to pinpoint the issue and diagnose the condition. That’s the only way doctors can generate treatment plans for pelvic pain.

Treatment Is Available

There is no reason to ignore pelvic pain when treatment is available. Nonsurgical treatments like pelvic floor therapy can strengthen muscles. Surgical options like colporrhaphy treat prolapsed vaginal walls. Treatment is possible with modern medicine!

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