
Why You Should Hire a Radon Mitigation Specialist

Why You Should Hire a Radon Mitigation Specialist

Mold, missing shingles, and leaky pipes are visible home hazards. However, not every hazard is easy to see. For example, radon is a colorless, odorless, deadly gas that can accumulate in buildings. Luckily, homeowners can reduce radon exposure with the right help. Read the details below to learn why you should hire a radon mitigation specialist to assist with this endeavor.

Combat Dire Health Hazards

To understand why you need a radon mitigation specialist, knowing why you must look for radon in the first place is vital. Radon is odorless and invisible, but what makes it deadly is its radioactive nature. When radioactive metals, such as uranium, degrade in the soil outside your home, they produce radon, which can infiltrate your home through various openings.

The health risks are more than nausea or headaches; radon is a significant cause of lung cancer in the United States, which is why testing for its presence in any home is essential. That said, let’s break down why you need a professional to conduct the inspection, despite the fact homeowners can technically test for radon themselves.

Experts Know Best

The biggest reason you should hire a radon mitigation specialist to inspect your home is their experience. If you find a quality local expert with years of experience, you can rely on them to accurately determine your radon exposure at home.

You can find personal radon tests for homeowners, but working with a professional mitigation expert will ensure the most consistent results. Not only will they make accurate calculations, but radon specialists will also help you locate where the issue is coming from and how to set up a suitable solution.

Ensure Reliable Equipment Installation

As you can see, the experience and knowledge an expert has are invaluable to assessing homes with potentially high radon readings. That said, these same qualities can impact the mitigation system installation.

Luckily, you can easily find experts who can set up reliable radon mitigation systems for your home; experts can prevent excessive radon from entering through cracks and other openings around the building thanks to quality mitigation systems. Minor mistakes during the installation can significantly impact your radon exposure at home, so, suffice it to say, seeking a trained professional is worth the effort.

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