Home Life

Ways to Put the Joy into Everyday Cooking

Not everyone finds cooking enjoyable. In fact, some people detest it. When you come home from a busy day and are faced with the prospect of cooking, it can really feel like an arduous, thankless task. It is very tempting to cheat and get takeout or throw something in the microwave. Unfortunately, these habits are part of an unhealthy lifestyle. Home cooking is by far the superior choice in terms of health and well-being. Luckily there are some ways that you, even if you hate cooking at the moment, can find joy in cooking.

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The Cooking Space

One of the first things you should look t do is make the kitchen a space that you want to spend time in. Take a look at some kitchen designs and pick out a few features that will make you feel as if you want to spend time in the kitchen. Consider lighting and color schemes, anything that appeals to you. Ensure that everything is working correctly too. Get rid of all the clutter and keep the best utensils. Music or a television in the background can help you find more joy in the kitchen too. So, take a look around and create a space you want to be in.


Instead of thinking of cooking as a functional task to feed yourself and your family, consider it an opportunity to express yourself creatively. If you change the way you look at the task, it can help you find more joy in it. Look around for recipes that excite you. Try new flavors and textures. Go to the fruit and vegetable aisle in the supermarket and pick up that strange and exotic vegetable that you have never even thought about getting before. Get experimental. The more you try to more you will discover and the better you will become. Like anything, it takes practice. The more you practice, the easier it will become and the more confident you will feel to experience further.


Cooking can be therapeutic. Chopping up vegetables can become like a meditation technique if you allow it. Instead of fighting the task, use it to your advantage. The act of focusing on chopping up vegetables, for example, can help you forget all the stresses of your life and make you feel far more relaxed. Also, listen to the sounds and aromas of cooking. These little things can help you live more in the present instead of worrying about everything all the time. 

The Fun Factor

You need to go on to the kitchen with the mindset that this is going to be fun. First of all, get the atmosphere right. Music is a great option, or maybe even get your best friend on the loudspeaker to help you. What about getting the kids involved? Sharing the task can be a great way to make it brighter too. Remember that the food you make doesn’t always have to be. Think about things the kids may enjoy to make a little more. Something like cast iron skillet pizza [for dinner tonight] may encourage them to be more involved and get that cooking bug.

Create a Meal Plan

If you know what you are going to do before you do it, it can make the whole affair that much more simple. You can plan as far ahead as you like, a week or a month, for example. You will know which meals can be eaten the next day too, as there will be substantial leftovers, meaning minimal cooking time the next day. You will know exactly what you need when you go shopping. You can also begin prepping the night or morning before, and when you’re on that trip home from work, you will be able to start planning what you are going to do. Not only does this make the experience easier, but it can also make the commute home better too, especially if you get stuck in traffic a lot.

Time to Connect

Not only can you use cooking itself as a time to connect with your family, but you can also use mealtimes as family time too. The dinner table is a great place to sit down together as a family, perhaps the only time of the day, and have a conversation. Perhaps while you are preparing the food, you could think about topics you would like to discuss or a few questions you would like to ask. Make meal times a phone-free zone too. All this helps a family keep strong bonds.

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