Lifestyle Healthy Living Relax

How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good Day

Yesterday I was having an all around crappy morning. I was in a terrible mood, the weather was crappy and I was just having a really hard time getting motivated to do anything. Once I realized just how unproductive I was feeling I was able to turn my day around. Because we all have bad days I wanted to share some of the steps I took to turn my day around.

  1. I have to admit to myself that I’m in a bad mood and need to turn it around.
  2. Meditate. I used to get super annoyed with my husband when he would tell me to go meditate when I was in a bad mood. Now it’s become my go-to thing.
  3. I look to my mentors for inspiration. I have my personal development mentors, blogging mentors, creative mentors. You name a section of my life and I probably have a mentor for it. I look to my mentors for their latest podcasts and blog posts for inspiration.
  4. Once I get my inspiration back I either write to get my juices flowing or make a quick video or voice recording to get my thoughts out.
  5. If I’m feeling super overwhelmed and realize I’m procrastinating I WRITE out lists. Pen to paper. Just typing my lists doesn’t work for me.
  6. After I’ve made my lists I make a list of steps to accomplish the goals on my list.
    I do something easy from my list to get me started so I can feel the accomplishment of crossing that item off my list.

If you have been having a less than perfect day I hope this will help you!

Do you have any helpful tips for turning your bad days around?

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