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The Value of Bedtime Stories for Kids

Photo by Alex Green 

Bedtime stories are a great nighttime routine for parents and kids to have. A bedtime story is a perfect way to make the transition between being awake and falling asleep for many children. 

Maybe, a bedtime story is something that you do every night but you have never considered the benefits. If you’re wondering if it’s time for you to just tuck your kids into bed and then move on, here’s a look at the main benefits of bedtime stories.

Build Vocabulary

It’ll probably come as no surprise to you that exposing your children to bedtime stories is a great way to help them build their vocabulary. 

The vocabulary of children who are read to by their parents and children who are not is very different. By taking the time to read to your child every night you are installing in them a love of reading and also building their vocabulary.

Develop Creativity

The great thing about telling your child bedtime stories is that you are assisting your child with building up their imagination and their creativity at the same time. When you tell them a story their mind is taken to faraway places and they are forced to create images in their mind based on the words they are reading. 

This is one reason why telling children Bible-based stories from  https://www.biblestorybooks.com/ is an effective way to help teach them morality as well. You are helping them to become creative thinkers who will make valuable contributions to the world at large. 

Who knows you may be fostering another body writer in the process. 

Inspire Reading

When you read to your children you are inspiring them to become readers themselves. You are setting an example for them by reading to them every night. It helps them to see that books are an exciting adventure that they should always be willing to go on. 

This type of excitement that you bring to them every single night is something that will spill off into adulthood. Children who read bedtime stories every night tend to become avid readers themselves. 

It Teaches Them How to Write

When children are avid readers they also tend to become good writers as well. This is because by continually listening to stories they learn how to format and structure them to make them exciting and interesting.

When you open up their imagination through bedtime stories you’re fueling their creative writing abilities.

Foster Creativity

Now that you know exactly how much benefits your children are getting from bedtime stories, it should drive you to find even more creative stories to tell them before bedtime. It should also be the catalyst for you to start your library at home.

Making sure that your children always have reading materials readily available is another great way to ensure that they become avid readers.

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