positive side effects of a quarantine
positive side effects of a quarantine

I’m here to bring you the positive sides of a quarantine. I know things are hard right now. There is a lot of uncertainty about the future and what each day holds. But there are some positive things that I have experienced in this short time that my family has been quarantined. 

More Active

My family and I have been way more active since we have been on quarantine. We have been doing a lot of yard work, going for daily walks around the neighborhood and playing in virtual reality to escape the reality of what is going on. I have also been taking my son down the road to the church where there is a basketball goal. There is absolutely no one there. So we safely have the goal to ourselves. 

More Quality Time with the Kids

We have really been spending more time with the kids. We have been playing card games, having movie nights and helping them stay caught up with academics. We are even planning a virtual Dungeons and Dragons with some friends next week. 

Getting to Know Our Neighbors

Now that everyone has to stay home everyone is way more active outside and yearning for human interaction. When we go for walks around the neighborhood people will walk to the edge of their yards to have social distance conversations with us. We have even had some neighbors join us for social distance walks. They will walk on one side of the street while we walk on the other. It has really been a great bonding experience. Kind of stinks that it takes a global pandemic to bring neighbors together. 

Teamwork is Happening on a Global Scale

Virtual concerts are being held to raise money for local businesses who are struggling and artists who have had to cancel their concerts. Churches are coming together to hold virtual services and meetings to make sure that people have hope to hold onto. People are volunteering to go grocery shopping for the elderly and immunocompromised. Parents are coming together to pull together resources for homeschooling. It is a really beautiful thing seeing how everyone is working together to make the most of this situation.

More Time to do the Things I Don’t Normally Have Time For

Last weekend I got to meet back up with my meditation group that I haven’t seen in nearly a year. Our family stays so busy with activities for the kids, volunteer responsibilities and work that I rarely have time for my meditation group. And when I do finally have a free weekend to go meditate with them I just want to take that downtime to spend time with my family. Now that everything is cancelled I’ve been able to attend the meditation groups virtually. 

Those are just a few of the good things that have come from this quarantine. What are some of the positive things that you have noticed from the quarantine? 

The Positive Side Effect of a Quarantine

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  1. The planet earth is healing while we all pause to give her time. Humans have been motivated by greed for so long. We need to pause and reflect on our priorities. Indeed there are positive effects of the quarantine.

  2. I should really try to be more grateful for all the time I have on my hands right now. Thanks for your positivity.

  3. I have started doing online courses to brush up on my skills and learn some new ones

  4. Great read. Spending time with kids is what I got most out of quarantine days . Thanks for the great post

  5. It’s refreshing to see the positive side of all this craziness. I still can’t wait for it to be over though

  6. It is all about perspective! Finding joy in the little things right now will make all the difference!

  7. One of the benefits of the quarantine in my company has been the transitioning of office workers to work from home. Now that they are home, we may continue allowing them to work from home indefinitely and using technology to harness our collective efforts! Our company is finally embracing this idea.

  8. Thanks for pointing out the positives in this situation! Great post!

  9. yesss we really need to concentrate on the positives right now!

  10. I think quarantine is also good for the nature as it is getting it’s own sweet time to heal.

  11. These are definitely some very positive aspects to being quarantined.

  12. These are all spot on! Now we have time to reconnect, spend time at home.. we are appreciating everything we have and taking advantage of being able to do the things we usually don’t.

  13. There are definitely some good and bad along with the quarantine, but I’m trying to focus on the positives myself. I love all the positivity here, especially the virtual events to help local businesses, amazing!

  14. I have been able to work on my self-care routine and also my passions. I have been able to slow down my days and it is so wonderful!

  15. This time of quarantine I’am starting to make bonding with my family and do some workout these are the great ideas about the positive effects of quarantine.

  16. Thanks for this post. I do hope I can see the positivity in these crisis times.

  17. Yeah for sure.. me too, I am learning web development during this period.

  18. There really are some positive effects that the quarantine is having on everyone. I love that I get to spend more time with my kids.

  19. We are surrounded by grim news and updates on the virus that’s wreaking havoc in the whole world. It’s always refreshing to be reminded of the positive things amidst the sea of negativity.

  20. I have definitely been enjoying the increased time with my kids. The first few weeks were hard to find a balance, but I am really appreciating our routine this week. <3

  21. It’s great to find positives from something so negative. I really enjoyed your post

  22. definitely agree except to knowing more about neighbor since we don’t go out and afraid to communicate even to neighbors.

  23. I actually can see only positive sides. I’m getting back in shape, almost zero SPAM call, etc etc

  24. More time to do things or more time to do nothing at all. Either way, I;m not complaining

  25. I am definitely enjoying this quarantine. I have more time to spend with my daughters and other member of the families. I do my yoga routine regularly and I enjoyed trying new recipes for my family. Anyways, keep safe everyone.

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