
The Best Ways To Entertain the Kids on an RV Trip

The Best Ways To Entertain the Kids on an RV Trip

Figuring out how to help your kids pass the time on an RV trip can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. You’d be surprised to learn that there are tons of fun and productive activities you can introduce to your kids. Get some inspiration from some of our favorite ideas. We’re confident they’ll help you keep the little ones entertained throughout your travels.

Bring Their Favorite Books, Toys, and Games

One of the best ways to entertain the kids on an RV trip is to keep their favorite toys, books, and games available. This is especially true if you’re trying to survive RV travel with toddlers.

But it’s fair to say that children of any age group won’t tolerate boredom for long. So bringing various fun and constructive activities to help pass the time is an excellent way to keep your kids busy.

If your child is a reader, ask them to pick out a few of their favorite books before your trip. If they prefer games and toys, let them pick a few to take with them. And if all else fails, there’s always the good old-fashioned road trip games, like “I Spy” and “The Alphabet Game.”

Get Some Fresh Air

The beauty of traveling in an RV is the opportunity it gives you to get out and explore the wonderous landscape you drive through along the way. So if you find that your kids are starting to get a bit antsy, it might be a good idea to get some fresh air. Moreover, consider taking your kids for a short nature walk at each stop.

These walks can be long or short and sweet. The important thing is that all parties can stretch their legs and explore before embarking on the next leg of the journey. And if you want to get creative, you can plan small scavenger hunts ahead of time.

If your kids are a bit older, you can find geocaches in locations on your route and have them go searching for them. However you do it, getting some fresh air and light exercise is an excellent way to entertain the kids on an RV trip. 

Let Them Socialize

Because you’re traveling via RV, it’s not far-fetched to think that you’ll be stopping at an RV park or resort at some point. And as a result, you’ll likely run into other families. So if you want to keep your kids entertained at this junction, let them socialize with the other kids at the park.

Adult supervision during these interactions is essential. But letting your kids mingle with children in their age group is an excellent way for them (and you) to decompress. If you want to be more involved, you can offer game suggestions, such as freeze tag.

Or you could encourage your child to share their toys while you supervise. In any case, if you’re comfortable, allowing your children to socialize and make new friends is a surefire boredom buster. This is especially true if you’re planning to stay at the RV park or resort for an extended period.

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