
The Best Foods To Keep in Case of an Emergency

The Best Foods To Keep in Case of an Emergency
The Best Foods To Keep in Case of an Emergency

The world can be unpredictable. Seismic changes come out of nowhere and put you in a vulnerable position. Discerning moms and dads need to prepare for the worst. With that in mind, you should consider the best foods to keep in case of an emergency. This list will offer a jumping-off point for one of your most important responsibilities.

Canned Vegetables and Fruits

You will always need essential vitamins and minerals, potassium, and fiber. Canned vegetables and fruits deliver these nutrients and tend to have a very long shelf life. Peaches, berries, pears, and applesauce can live on your shelf for up to two years and still offer these benefits. For healthier options, search for cans with no added sugar or syrups.

Vegetables like beans, carrots, and peas contain lots of potassium, fiber, and vitamin A. Legumes like navy beans, black beans, and white beans are also smart options for stored foods.


Jerky is an excellent source of protein. Jerky you buy at a store doesn’t require you to store it with any special conditioning. For people who prefer to DIY their jerky, there are several ways to store the savory snack safely.

Health-conscious survivors should look for jerky items that are low in sodium. Healthier jerky brands also work to eliminate MSG, gluten, and other nitrites often present in jerky.

Canned Soups and Meals

Of all the best foods to keep in case of an emergency, the most important are the foods that offer a full meal. Canned soups and stews are nutritious and easy to store. You want soups that do not require additional milk or water. In an emergency scenario, you should be able to eat it as soon as it heats up.

Pasta meals are storable for a long time, but they come packed with calories and carbohydrates. If you are going to purchase pasta meals for your emergency food supply, look for brands with whole grains.

Shelf-Stable Milk

Shelf-stable milk does not need refrigeration until after you open it, making it a great item to save in your emergency stock. Boxed or canned milk, however, may not have the familiar milk taste people enjoy. Some may prefer plant milk like almond, soy, or rice.

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