As the kids go back to school and summer break comes to an end the kids are always asked the same question. What did you do this summer? The more I’ve heard this question, the more I’ve realized we did A LOT this summer from beginning to end. Holy moly it was a fun packed summer! So I decided to write a little summer recap. Mainly because I love reliving those memories. We kicked off our summer with a meditation retreat with our friends in Andersonville, TN. We spent the weekend on their farm learning how to deepen our meditation…
If you are planning a trip to New York City, go ahead and book your airline tickets now. DO NOT DRIVE!! This blog post is about why you need to fly to New York City and not drive. I repeat DO NOT drive to New York City. Here are the reasons why you should fly, not drive. But if you decide to drive, then make sure to get RhinoSure to cover you with some great insurance. New York City is so fast paced. There is so much to see and so much to do and people are in a rush.…