There is much cause for jubilation when you find out where you’re pregnant. In 9 months time, your baby will be born, and you will experience all the rewards of motherhood. As a new mom, you will also find yourself in a very busy position. From buying everything your baby needs as they start to grow to dealing with those extra household chores that your little one will incur, your life will become a whirlwind of activity. Your life will never be the same again, and that, for the most part, is a good thing.
And because your life will be a busy one when your baby is finally on the scene, it is important to focus your life in the months leading up to your due date. Take the opportunity during your pregnant months to prepare for the changes in your life, and take part in those activities that you might not have much time for when your baby arrives.
Here are just a few of the things you might want to add to your to-do list when you’re counting down the days, weeks, and months to the moment your baby arrives on the scene.
#1: Start to cut your spending
Babies are many things; cute, bouncy, joyful, noisy, and sometimes, more than a little smelly! They are also expensive, as there is much you will need to buy. From new clothes to baby foods, your baby will get more money spent on them than you will. Of course, there are ways to cut the costs. You could rely on hand-me-downs from family and friends for some of what your baby needs, but you might still feel the pinch in your pockets after a while. So, for this reason, make every effort to cut your spending before your baby is born. You can then put the extra money you save into a bank account or savings jar, as you might be glad of those savings if money is tight during those first precious few months of your baby’s life.
#2: Research everything!
Well, not everything! You don’t need to Google the finer details of how bees make honey or why different types of birds produce different types of birdsong. At this point, you should already know about the birds and the bees! Joking aside, now is the time to research everything baby-related. By doing so, you will be able to put some of your new mom worries to bed, as with a little bit of knowledge, you will be able to attain better peace of mind.
So, research practical things, such as the best crib type for your baby, and how you might be able to get a better night’s sleep when your baby is born. And research aspects related to the safety of your little one. There might be pressing questions you have, such as is Phenoxyethanol safe for you and your newborn? You have probably heard conflicting reports on this one, so follow the link we have provided for you. And Google those other safety-related questions that are causing you to worry, and find out the answers to your questions. Then go beyond the internet, and talk to those other moms you know, as in their own way, they will have expert advice on most things related to motherhood and babies.
#3: Spend time with your friends
Of course, you won’t lose contact with your friends after your little one is born, but you won’t have as much time to spend with them socially as you do now. So, make the most of the time you have with them and have those girlie nights. Go and see a movie or two, enjoy meals out together, and even go on a girls’ weekend away if you have the time to do so. This is your time to let your hair down, have some fun, and create special memories with your friends. You will still be able to do these things after your baby is born, but your friends will become less of a priority in your life in those first few months when most of your time and attention will be devoted to your child.
#4: Romance your hubby
Some couples feel the strain when a baby enters their lives, and this is partly because they don’t get to have enough 1:1 time together. So, during your pregnant months, make a special effort to grow closer to your loved one. Make time for those all-important date nights and reaffirm the love you have for one another. Of course, you can still have date nights when your baby is born – now is also the time to get those sitters on speed dial – but when tiredness sets in, you might be less than willing to leave the house for those romantic nights out together.
#5: Prepare baby’s nursery
You won’t have a lot of time on your hands when your baby arrives to do this, so it’s important to make sure everything is ready before their arrival. You need to buy a crib, for starters (remember to research the best and safest), and you also need to paint the room in those colors that will prove calming to your little one (this will help to lull them to sleep). Then there’s storage to buy, night lights to consider, and all of those other things that will make your baby’s sleeping (and play) area complete. Check out these nursery design ideas for a little bit of inspiration.
#6: Baby-proof your home
When it comes to your baby’s safety (and your peace of mind), this is one of the key things you need to research when you’re sitting down with Google of an evening. There is much you need to do, from attaching latches to your kitchen cupboards to placing baby gates around the more dangerous parts of your home. By taking such steps, your inquisitive baby will face fewer risks when he or she finally gets round to exploring your home when crawling or shuffling around on their bottom. For your information, there are loads of babyproofing ideas here, so have a read, and do what needs to be done ahead of time.
#7: Make freezer meals
Let’s face it; when your baby arrives, you might be too tired to cook something healthy for yourself. You will also face tiredness in those final few weeks of pregnancy, as putting your feet up will be infinitely preferable to standing over a hot stove in the kitchen. Of course, your partner can chip in with the cooking, and there are bound to be other people in your life delivering meals to you on a regular basis once your baby is on the scene (any excuse to get a glimpse of your little one). But it’s still worth preparing healthy freezer meals in advance, as you will then get more time to relax if other people are less than forthcoming with cooking help, and you will be less likely to eat those junk foods that will only make you feel more tired.
#8: Do a test run to the hospital
Unless you’re planning on giving birth at home, it’s important to do a test run to the hospital. You will then know long it takes to get there, where to park, and where to go when you actually run through the sliding doors yelling, ‘I’m having a baby!’ This will prepare your partner for the event too, as he will be in less of a panic if he knows what to expect on the big day!
#9: Take care of your health
Finding the time to care for yourself when you have a newborn is certainly not easy, but it’s essential both for yourself and your baby. It’s helpful if you get into good habits before your baby is born, so you can continue them when your little one comes along. Talk to your doctor about what type of exercise is safe for you to do, both while you’re pregnant and after you have your baby. Seeing a chiropractor is a good idea if you want help with managing your health. They can address any back or muscle pain that you have while you’re pregnant and might even be able to help you have an easier birth by improving your overall function. It could have benefits for your baby too.
We haven’t covered everything here – there is much you could and should do – but we hope we have given you a few helpful ideas. Let us know in the reply section below if you have any other ideas for new moms-to-be reading this article.

Having a baby is a great thing, but it does come with some complications, as a man we should do our very best to help our partners.
Really help article for woman who is going to become new moms.
Awesome read! Thank you for all the work you have been putting in!
Nice Article . Thanks for that Article.This can help woman who is going to become new moms.
Fantastic post. Love reading informative articles like this.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to focus more on my life months before my due date. Aside from keeping a healthier lifestyle, I also think that it is important to discuss a birth plan with my husband and how I should deliver our baby. It might be a good idea to visit nearby health centers and see if water birth would be possible and safe.