
Showing Extra Appreciation For Childminders On The Holidays

For a lot of working moms, good childcare plays a huge role in maintaining a good work-life balance. Whether it’s a daycare teacher, someone who provides childcare at their own premises, or a childminder that comes to your home, you may want to make sure that they feel appreciated, especially for the holidays when you might not need them as much because you’re able to spend more of your own time with the children. Here are a few ideas on how to show your childminder how much you appreciate them.

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Offer a little self-care

Physical gifts can be a good way to show some appreciation, but it has been found that experience-based gifts often have more of an emotional impact. As such, you might want to consider getting them a spa voucher that allows them to visit one of the local pampering spots so they can get a manicure, pedicure, massage, or other kinds of self-care treatments. If there are no options like that near you or you’re not certain that they would like to have to travel somewhere to receive their gift, then you might just want to get them a self-care hamper so they can make their own spa day at home. One thing is for certain, they work hard so they deserve a little R&R and you can make it happen.

Help make their holidays

Your childminder is going to be celebrating the holidays just like you are. As such, you can lighten the load for them a little by getting them some of what they might need to make an enjoyable (and delicious) Christmas dinner for them. A lot of employers will often get turkey vouchers for employees to help them handle the costs of the big day’s dinner, and there’s nothing to stop you from doing the same. If you live in the same area, you may even look for local butchers that offer full Christmas dinner platters that you can order ahead of time for them.

Put it in words

It’s important that we make sure that the people we rely on feel valued, not just by giving them something physical or practical, but in ways that thoroughly communicate our feelings, as well. While you shouldn’t use the idea to avoid spending money on them, writing them a note of appreciation to go along with it can make them feel very much like they are being seen for the effort, commitment, and care that they put into taking care of your children. This is especially true for the past couple of years when we have had to ask for so much more from our childcare providers thanks to the often inconsistent school and work schedules we had to ask them to adapt to.

Childminders do a lot of work to make sure your children are kept safe and cared for, and it’s not uncommon for an emotional bond to form between and the family. As such, they likely deserve more than they get paid and the tips above can help you show a little extra appreciation.