Lifestyle Personal Development

Put The Phone Down Challenge: Week 1

Put the phone down challenge

Put the phone down challengeWe all know we are on our phones entirely too much. I think it is safe to say most people are addicted to their phones. And I think it’s also safe to say that addiction is not healthy. That is why I’m starting a challenge to wean myself off my phone and hope to inspire others to do the same.

Each week I will post a new challenge. The idea is to use each challenge as a building block from the previous week.

Here is this week’s challenge:

Turn off your notifications!! This may sound drastic. But do you really need to know the second you get an email and the second someone comments on your Facebook post? We need to take back our time and the response time that people feel entitled to. You can still check in from time to time. But you don’t need to be interrupted by all of the notifications.

Turn them off!! I promise you will thank me!

Let me know your thoughts on our addictions to phones. I would also love to know your suggestions for this challenge. Leave me a comment and I’ll respond when I get around to checking my email!

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