Hops and Hope 2014

I’m not perfect. I will be the first to admit that. Last week was supposed to be my 5th week in PiYo. Let me tell you I really let things go last week. The past 2 weeks have been extremely stressful for me. And with that stress comes stress eating. And with stress eating comes lack of sleep. And with lack of sleep comes lack of exercise. It’s just a big snowball effect. When Friday came around and I had missed workouts and the ones I actually did I did a sloppy job I decided I just needed a fresh start.


I got myself caught up on my sleep over the weekend. Sunday morning I woke up to get a jump start on my workouts. I did my favorite PiYo workout, Strength Intervals. I tried to eat healthy all day, drank my Shakeology for breakfast and had a healthy black bean soup for dinner.

This week I’ve decided I’m going to go to bed earlier so that I can wake up at 6:15 to get my workout done before I get the kids ready for school. So far so good this week. I’ve been waking up earlier and not hitting the snooze button. I drink my E&E when I wake up, do my workouts, get the kids ready for school and drink my Shakeology. I can already tell a huge difference in my productivity during the day. I feel more energized and can actually focus on what I’m doing without having my mind wonder off. I decided to do week 5 of PiYo all over again this week since I was so sloppy with it last week. And I’m glad I decided to do that. I actually feel like I’m getting something out of the workouts this week.

So I am OFFICIALLY half way through PiYo now!! So what have my results been so far? Weight wise I’ve actually gained weight because I’ve been eating so crappy. Yeah, I’ve been eating that bad. Moral of the story: you can’t expect to just workout and see results. Unless you change the way you are eating the weight will persist and even come back. This whole fitness thing has to be a lifestyle change. As far as my fitness levels go I will tell you I can see a big difference. I ran in a 5K last weekend and finished in 31 minutes and 16 seconds. I’m SO close to getting my 10 minute mile pace I’ve been wanting! I’m feeling more flexible and the poses are easier for me to do. I can even do PiYo burpess without wanting to die!

If you want more information about PiYo send me an email at cyndi@https://momelite.com! I would be happy to answer your questions and help you out! Or you can always visit my web site to order your challenge pack.

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1 Comment

  1. Keep up the great work! Remember that small victories count the most!!! <3

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