• Beachbody Programs - Healthy Living

    Fit in May

    The month of April was a little bit of a struggle for me. Between Easter, my birthday and a bachelorette weekend I couldn’t seem to stay on track with my fitness in eating. I ate WAY too much no so good for you food, drank a little more than I should have and skipped some workouts. May is a new month for new goals. I’m determined to do better this month. So what do I have in store for this month? 1. 30 Day Burpees Challenge Starting May 1st 2. 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Starting May 4th 3. Commit…

  • Healthy Living - Shakeology Recipes

    Tropical Berry Shake with Liberté® Méditerranée Yogurt

    I’m going to be brutally honest with you all. I love my Shakeology, but I have had a really hard time choking down the tropical strawberry flavor I ordered last month. I’ve tried really hard to like it. It’s just too sweet for me. I’ve had one packet that has been lingering in my kitchen that both my husband and I have been avoiding. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make it a little more tasty so I can use that last packet. One of my friends suggested I add yogurt to it to balance out the…

  • Healthy Living

    A Year of Firsts in Motherhood

    You all may think from the title that this post may be about my children’s milestones or silly stories about my kids. The post is actually a somewhat honest and selfish post about myself. You see, in the 9 1/2 years that I have been a mom I have very rarely indulged and had selfish moments. My life and decisions have pretty much revolved around my kids and husband. The time that I spend during the 2 days a week that my 4 year old is in parent’s day out is devoted to either working my tail off for my…

  • Healthy Living

    Positive Change From a Lay Off

    I want to take a moment to introduce you all to someone very special to me. This person is my dear friend and coach, Erin. I’m going to tell you all a short story about Erin and her amazing journey and bravery.   For the past 8.5 years Erin has been working at a corporate job. She has been working 40 hours a week doing a job that she has been miserable doing for the past 8.5 years. She has been going to work everyday, sitting in front of her computer, building someone else’s business and hoping that she gets…

  • Healthy Living

    Half Marathon – Another Goal Reached

    Race day has officially come and gone. I can officially check running a half marathon off of my list of goals I want to reach. I finished my first half marathon and I’m actually pleasantly pleased with my time. I’ve been a casual runner for 3 years now. I went from absolutely hating running. I was that person that you tell you that if I was running you better start running too because that meant something was chasing me. Boy how that changed with one race. All it took was running my first 5K and getting that runners high and…