Fun in Knoxville

Mom Elite Goes to Co.Starters



I made a last minute decision this week to go through a 9 week course called Co.Starters. Co.Starters is a program that helps aspiring entrepreneurs turn their ideas into action and turn their passions into sustainable businesses. For the past 6 years Mom Elite has been a hobby for me. I love being able to just casually come over to my blog and write about my latest adventures with my family. In the last year I’ve come to realize that with a little determination and organization I could actually make money with my blog. Today is the day I’m going to really dig in to take my blog to the next level!

This past Spring my husband went through Co.Starters with our web development business. He would come home energized and full of ideas after every class. Co.Starters helped us organize our web development business and gave us strategies to help gain customers and really set a value for our services. When he was done with the 9 week program he insisted that I go through it the next time it was offered. Because of prior commitments we had both decided that the summer program wasn’t going to work out for us and that I would need to wait until the program is offered in the fall. At the last minute this week the stars aligned perfectly for me to be able to attend this class. So with a little last minute registration I attended my first class tonight!


After my first class tonight I can not wait to go to my class next week. The class facilitator is a business coach by day and brings an energy to the class that you wouldn’t believe. He challenges us to think outside the box and really get down to the reason why we are in the class and why we are wanting to pursue our business. My class is filled with people with dynamic personalities and unique business ideas. And surprisingly most of the people going through the class have established jobs and are at a point in their lives like me where they are just wanting to pursue their passions.

The biggest question I left with tonight is “What is success to me?”. If I can vision myself as being truly successful in the next 10 years, what is that vision of success? Before the end of the next 9 weeks I hope to be able to report my answer to this question to you all. I can’t wait to share tidbits about this class with you all!

What is success to YOU?

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