This is just a very short post to let you all know about some upcoming changes for Mom Elite. I’ve decided in order to get a real true audience I’m going to stop participating in giveaways unless it’s a giveaway for a great product that I’m reviewing. I don’t want to gain fans just based on giveaways. I would rather have real true fans that come back because they enjoy my content, not because they are trying to get something for free. And this brings me to my reviews. I’m going to start being really picky about the products that I review. I want my reviews to be relevant and helpful to my audience so I won’t be taking on just anything for reviews. You all can expect rich, real content that I hope you all will enjoy.

I want to start growing my audience organically. So if there are any bloggers out there who are interested in networking with me I would love to hear from you. I really want to be able to help other bloggers out and get away from the giveaway mind set. For my social media outlets I want to share content from other bloggers that I really think my audience would enjoy reading. So finding other bloggers who post content that I find valuable will be key.

If you are part of my audience I would love to hear your input. I would love to hear the topics you would like to see me cover. The general topics I will be covering will be travel, home improvement, healthy living and fun things to do with kids and social media. I tend to veer towards a natural living lifestyle so my posts and reviews will have a lot of natural living spin to it. If you have any thing specific on anything these topics you would like me to dive into please let me know. I’d be happy to hear from you!

For now I’m going to finish writing my reviews and promote the last few giveaways I’m involved in. In the next few weeks expect BIG changes! I’m really excited about these changes and hope you all will be too!

Signing off for now,

CyndiOwner and Content Provider for Mom Elite

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  1. Healthy living and fun things to do with kids are things I’m interested in!
    ~ Kimberly

  2. I am with you! As a blogger myself it is easy to get caught up in always saying yes.

  3. I completely understand where you are coming from! I actually split my blog into two — one that is much more focused on what I want my blog to be and the other for whatever giveaways and reviews I have time to do/participate in. I’m keeping the giveaway one because there have been some great opportunities that simply wouldn’t fit with my “main” blog. I’m giving them a year like this and then I’ll see what I want to do then. I think that you will find your true niche by cutting out the “random” giveaways and reviews. Good luck!

  4. Good For You Great Content Always Wins, Best Of Luck!!

  5. Good luck! I think that is a good direction to go in to build your fan base

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