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Making Memories: How To Make The Most Of Quality Time With Your Kids

Many of us have spent more time at home than usual recently. Often, when you’re working and rushing around after kids, it can be hard to find time to spend together. If the lockdown has got you thinking about changing your lifestyle or adjusting your schedule, here are some tips to help you make the most of quality time with your children in the future. 

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Time management

Most of us have days when we feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. If you finish work late, you take work home with you, or you struggle to balance parenting with running a business, time management is essential. There may be events or meetings that you can’t cancel or postpone, but sometimes, we are guilty of putting too much on our plates and filling our schedules. The last few months might have highlighted the benefits of a simpler, less hectic lifestyle. If this is the case, start managing your home diary like you do your work schedule. Make more time to spend with family and friends, try to work as efficiently as possible, ask your boss about flexible work arrangements and learn to say no. Often, we feel pressured into making plans when all we want to do is crash out on the sofa, or we feel like we have to take more work on because we don’t want to let others down. It’s crucial to find a healthy work-life balance and to ensure you have sufficient time to relax, unwind and enjoy the company of others. 

Capturing special moments

There are moments you will remember for the rest of your life, but it’s not possible to retain or recall everything that has happened to you. Capturing special moments is a brilliant way to preserve and trigger memories, to celebrate landmark occasions or events and to bottle the emotions you experienced at that point in time. Looking at a photograph can catapult you back to a specific place or a date or time, and suddenly, you remember what you were doing, who you were with, what happened just before or after the shot was taken, what you were wearing and what tune was playing. If you’re heading away on vacation, or your kids are counting down the days until birthday parties or events at school, capture those moments. You can use your phone to take videos and photographs on the go and organize shoots with a professional photographer like Michael Kormos. With framed images, canvases and personalized prints, you can turn your memories into tangible products, which will start conversations and bring a smile to your face years later. 

Sharing experiences

One of the best ways to make the most of the time you have with your family is to share experiences. It’s easy to get carried away with material goods, but trying new things, spending time together and going through different experiences as a family is much more important. Many of us can remember trips we took as children or activities we tried under the watchful eyes of our parents. Use your time to go on adventures, to explore different places and try new hobbies. Visit wildlife parks, plan a day at the park or the beach with friends, travel, go camping in the woods, organize your own movie night or spend rainy Sunday afternoons baking cakes. Children are more likely to remember and cherish memories of experiences than TV programs or new trainers. 

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Many of us complain that we don’t have enough time to spend with our families. Take these tips on board to make the most of every second of quality time. 

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