gentry kidsHey! I’m Emily and I’m a new blogger here at Mom Elite. I wanted to start out with just a simple introductory post. I have the privilege of being a full-time mommy to two beautiful babies: Jeremiah and Charleigh. Jeremiah (Miah) just turned 3 in June and Charleigh is 4 months. I was lucky enough to have two beautiful births. Miah was born at Lisa Ross Birth and Women’s Center and Charleigh was born at home in our bedroom with the help of a Certified Professional Midwife. Both of my births were wonderful, empowering experiences, that opened the door to so many other amazing blessings. I have made some great friends through Lisa Ross who have introduced me to a lot of new things, some of which I may end up writing about here.

I enjoy doing a lot of different activities. When people ask me what I like to do, I feel like my list is miles long! I like reading, writing, researching parenting things, planning for our dream vacation, decorating a house that I will probably never have, cooking (sometimes), playing outside, traveling, just hanging out with friends and family, and most of all, I love being a mom and wife. So much of who I am is wrapped up in my 2 kids and my husband. But, I wouldn’t change it for the world. They ARE my world.gentry family

I am currently training to become a doula. I love birth and all things baby and I love helping people. It’s quite a process and not something that happens in a matter of months, especially when you have two little ones. I will probably be training for at least a year, if not two. Included in the training is assisting in a certain number of births that meet pretty strict requirements, as well as writing a report after each one. I also have to attend a birth and breastfeeding class as an observer, plus the actual doula training class. I’m nervous about it all, but I am so excited about this adventure! For women who have gone through the process and decide to put a second baby up for adoption they might find the process smoother the second time around.

Well, there you have it. I think I hit the highlights without revealing too much. I’m a pretty down to earth person with a heart too big for my own good who wants world peace, or something along those lines. Thanks so much for this opportunity, Mom Elite!

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  1. Great to meet you, and sending positive energy for reaching all of your future goals!

  2. and beautiful kids, too…. 😀

  3. Welcome to Momelite. I look forward to your posts. 🙂

  4. Nice to meet you Emily. You have such a cute family! Welcome to Momelite. Can’t wait to read more from you.

  5. What a lovely family… thanks for sharing!

  6. It is a pleasure to meet you. You have a beautiful fam. Looking forward to reading more.

  7. First time here on your site. Really love what you have in store for the future!

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