Lifestyle Parenting Personal Development

In-School and Beyond_ 10 Lifelong Skills to Master

For most parents, getting their kids ready to succeed in school is a huge priority, especially in elementary school. There are many questions parents ask themselves by this time: “Will my child be able to get into a good school?” “Should my child take the SAT or the ACT?” and more.

The truth is that many parents are asking questions that are more far-reaching than most give them credit for. Most parents would probably be better served to ask different sorts of questions, such as whether their child is learning skills to help them better cope with life. Fortunately, these are the kinds of questions an international school in Singapore can help them answer. What are some of those skills? That’s what this article is about.

High-Level Thinking

Successful students are independent and critical thinkers. They learn to think for themselves and assimilate information from a variety of sources. This has always been important, but in recent years, as more information sources have become available-; such as social media and the internet–it is more important than ever before.

Curiosity and Creativity

A child who is naturally curious and good at thinking creatively is better prepared for thinking out of the box and making deeper, more reflective connections with the material they are learning. All of this is good for students who can reflect better on the world around them.

Compassion and Empathy

Children who learn compassion and empathy in their everyday interactions with other people are better prepared to use those skills as they make either way into their teenage years. Those who can internalize these skills also make better leaders.

Leadership Skills

Leaders often develop their skills early on by initiating leadership opportunities such as running for class office, taking on volunteer jobs, and speaking out on relevant matters. They become change agents. Learning leadership skills early facilitates these activities.

A Sense of Self-Determination and Agency

When students know themselves better as learners, they are better engaged with what they are learning. This helps them to be more vigorous advocates for themselves when they sense an opportunity or they need to defend themselves.


Developing a healthy sense of self-confidence allows students to speak up and create a good self-image. Self-confidence helps teach children to listen to and respect the viewpoints of others. This helps children not only to succeed as students but as citizens as well.

Communications Skills

Good communication skills are essential for anyone who aspires to succeed in school, their careers, and their lives. A good education will help children develop their communication skills, whether form reading, writing, or speaking.


Children who understand the importance of listening to others and are willing to work with others are better team players and are better problem solvers. This willingness to work with others earn them the respect and admiration of their peers.  

Flexibility and Resilience

Flexibility and resilience are essential skills for children to develop. These skills can be leveraged throughout a child’s life when it comes to career opportunities and others. Children who are flexible and resilient learn to face mistakes and defeat with grace and understanding.

Respectfulness and Open-Mindedness

Children who learn to listen deeply and take a genuine interest in others can better engage in community and understand others.

These ten lifelong skills form the basis of good quality education. Students should be taught these skills and work ethic and others to become personal and career successes.

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