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Improve Your Oral Health In Five Easy Steps


Staying healthy means focusing on lots of different areas, from exercise to mental health. When it comes to your physical health there is lots to think about, from your skin to your eyes and teeth. Improving your oral health is simple so long as you follow these five steps.

1. Be careful what you eat

If you want to take care of your oral health you’ll need to eat and drink the right things. To protect your oral health it’s best to limit your consumption of high-sugar foods. When you consume sugar it turns into acid, and this acid damages the enamel of your teeth. Foods that are good for oral health include milk, yogurt, and cheese, if you follow a vegan diet try eating fortified soy. All of these foods contain calcium which helps to protect the teeth and bones.

2. Floss your teeth

If you don’t floss your teeth you could be at risk of inflammation, plaque, and bacteria. Floss helps us to effectively clean those hard-to-reach places between the teeth. There are so many benefits of flossing including:

  • Stops you from having bad breath.
  • Can help to ward off gum disease.
  • Protect your teeth from decay.

It’s incredibly important to regularly floss your teeth. The minimum should be around two a day but if you’re able to do it after every meal, that would be a lot better. If you have teeth that are too close together or if you’re even dealing with a cracked tooth, then it may be difficult or too painful to floss. While it’s not always the case, sometimes this can happen depending on the person and where the tooth was cracked or chipped. If you’re dealing with this, then there is a chance that your dental health is at risk. So it’s best to look into dental bonding as this can greatly help you get back into a regular oral hygiene routine.

3 . Book your dental visits

When was the last time you visited the dentist? If you can’t remember that’s a surefire sign you need to book in a check-up! Experts recommend that you book in your dental visits at least every 6 months.

Your dentist will check for signs of decay and gum disease, x-ray your mouth, and provide a mouth cancer screening. If you have missing teeth your dentist will be able to fit dental implants. The right implants can help to restore your smile and protect your jaw from bone loss.

Choosing a good dentist is incredibly important, if you’re looking for a new practice make sure that you check the credentials, the website, and the reviews. Whether you’re looking for general or cosmetic dentistry you’ll want to choose a dental practice that you can trust.

4. Choose the perfect toothpaste

Definitely choose a respected brand and go for a fluoride toothpaste. Besides this, it’s a good idea to buy a toothpaste based on your needs. For example, do you have particularly sensitive teeth? If so you’ll want to look for a toothpaste that’s for sensitive teeth specifically. Your dentist should be able to provide advice on the best toothpaste 

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly option try brands like Dr. Bronners or Huppy Tooth Tabs.

5. Drink lots of water

Simple practices make all the difference when it comes to oral care. If you want to keep your mouth nice and healthy you should make sure that you drink lots of water. When you drink water you’ll clean out your mouth, washing away food debris, and protecting your teeth between brushes.

With the right steps, it’s easy to look after your oral health and protect yourself from tooth decay and gum disease. Supporting your health means taking an active role and booking in all the healthcare checks that you need.

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