Lifestyle Travel

How to Travel The World From Home

hot air ballons in the sky

It’d be nice if we could just pack our bags and head to the airport every time that we wanted to explore the world. Alas, that’s not the case for the majority of life. A thing called life, with all its bills and jobs and so forth, often gets in the way of living that blissed existence. So if we want to keep exploring, then we need to find new and novel ways to do it.

Happily, there are plenty of ways that you can “travel the world” without even leaving your home. It’s not quite the same, sure, but it’s the next best thing — and it’ll definitely tide you over until you’re able to get back out there again. 

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Global Books

We have to be thankful for the written word! It’s what allows us to dive into someone else’s experience. If you want to know what it’s like to live in rural China, you can either take a trip there or you could read a book on the topic. You’ll find that, if the book is good enough, it takes you out of your home and into whatever world the book discusses. 

Documentary Nights

If you don’t like reading, then why not look at loading some of the best travel documentaries? There are a few different styles available. You can choose one where people are actively traveling through a destination, or you can pick one that’s made by local people in their area. Both will give you a pretty solid insight into what life is like there. If you’re looking for a bit of a specific style, then you could consider a food documentary series — the Anthony Bourdain cooking show is an excellent option, for instance.

World Dishes

And talking of food: why not look at cooking up a storm of international cuisine in your kitchen? Many of us experience culture through the food that we eat when we’re traveling. And in an age when it couldn’t be easier to find ingredients from all over the world, it’s more than possible to make some international dishes of your own. There’s no shortage of options available! From char siu pork to tacos and hot curries, you could make a different dish every night for months and still have plenty of options to try. And, of course, you don’t just make the food — you also get to eat the delicious dish, too! 

Music From Far-Flung Lands

Another option is to listen to music from foreign countries. There’s not a country in the world that doesn’t have music running through its culture. And thanks to all the modern streaming services, you don’t have to do much to find this music! Simply put the country’s name into the search bar, and see what comes up.

Memory Lane 

Finally, you can look at traveling by taking a trip down memory lane and reliving your own trips. It’s not the same, but it’s good fun, and it’ll help to inspire you for future trips, too.

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