Lifestyle Travel

How To Survive A Long Haul Flight Without WiFi

How To Survive A Long Haul Flight Without WiFi

Long haul flights must have been a lot harder before we had laptops and tablets to keep us entertained. These days, we all have access to endless amounts of entertainment as long as we have a WiFi connection, so those long haul flights fly by in no time at all. But what happens if the WiFi isn’t working? 

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If you are completely reliant on electronics for entertainment and the WiFi and in-flight entertainment systems go down, you’re in for a long and boring flight. That’s why it’s a good idea to plan some alternative entertainment in case you don’t have access to WiFi. These are the best ways to survive a long haul flight without WiFi. 

Pre-Load Your Content 

If you are relying on streaming services like Netflix so you can watch movies on your laptop during the flight, you’re out of luck if the WiFi goes down. The thing is, you can just download the movies that you want to watch and pre-load them before you set off. This makes life much easier because you don’t need to worry about slow internet on the plane and if there is a problem with the in-flight entertainment, you still have plenty of movies to watch. You can do the same with music streaming services too. 

Bring Some Puzzles 

Puzzles are one of the best ways to pass the time on a long flight and they keep your brain active, which is good when you are staring at the back of a plane seat for 10 hours. Why not download some crosswords or fill in the blanks puzzles onto your laptop before you go? You could even buy an old fashioned puzzle book so you can take a break from the screen for a while. You’ll find that the time passes a lot faster when you are actively engaged with an activity instead of watching movies back to back for hours on end. 

Plan Your Itinerary 

If you want to get the most out of your trip, you should do some research and plan an itinerary before you go. This is especially important when planning a trip post COVID-19 because new rules will be in place and the experience may be very different. If you have a long haul flight ahead of you, why not spend that time planning your trip? You can print out some information sheets at home and get hold of a few guidebooks, so you have all the information you need to plan out your trip. 

Try To Get Some Sleep 

If you can sleep through a big portion of the flight, it will feel like no time at all. You will feel much better when you arrive at the other end too, so it’s a good idea to get some sleep if possible. Good planning is the key to sleeping well on a plane, so consider your seat placement and the luggage that you take, avoid caffeine and invest in a good travel pillow. 

Keep these simple tips in mind and you can survive your next long haul flight without relying on WiFi. 

How To Survive A Long Haul Flight Without WiFi

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