Lifestyle Parenting

How To Save Money As A New Mom

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Ah, your little bundle of joy. So cute and so lovable, and after holding them in your hands for the first time, your heart will be filled with so much love. Can there be anything better than becoming a new mom? It’s an exciting time. However…

There will be challenges ahead. Sleepless nights will become commonplace, your housework will naturally increase, and for the context of this article, there will be a dent in your finances. Your little bundle of joy will cost you big! Still, there are ways to reduce your costs, and here are a few suggestions we hope you find useful.

#1: Put what you need on the baby registry

If you’re planning on creating a baby registry, be sure to include everything that your baby will need in those first precious few months. The registry can include relatively inexpensive items, such as blankets, diapers, and hooded towels. And it can also include pricier items, such as a crib, a stroller, and a rocker. When creating the registry, be sure to avoid some common mistakes. Don’t ask for too many of the same things as you will only clutter up your house if you do. And don’t forget how fast your infant will grow. So, when asking for clothes, for example, ask for different sizes of clothing so your baby will always have something to wear. 

#2: Resist the urge to spend money on things your baby doesn’t need

As new moms, many of us get over-excited when our children are born and buy them all kinds of new things. . We might overload their playroom with the latest games and toys, and we might spend more time adding to their wardrobe than our own. This is understandable but we should resist the urge to spend. As we suggested, infants grow out of clothing quickly, so they won’t need a wardrobe full of the same-sized outfits. They won’t need every baby toy on the market either as 2-3 quality items will suffice when trying to entertain them. So, go easy when you’re shopping, despite your unbridled enthusiasm.

#3: Sign up for coupon offers

Not only should you keep any coupons you get through the door,  but you should actively sign up for them too. Many baby-food companies send out coupons if you sign up for their newsletters, and as discussed in the following link, you can reduce the cost of diapers this way too. Bookmark your favorite baby websites online, especially those that entice you in with special offers. And check out these coupon codes for Babies R Us for some great deals. 

#4: Make what you need yourself

While you will be quite busy in those first few months of motherhood, it might be that you can still find time to get creative at home. Rather than buying everything you need, you could make them instead. You could make your own baby food, for example, and if you have sewing skills, you could make your own baby clothes too. It might be that you can put your hand to other things too, such as toys and bedding, so get busy if you have the time and skills to do so.

There are lots of other ways to save money, of course. You could check out thrift stores for toys and clothes, and if you have parenting friends, they might have items they are willing to give you. So, don’t assume your new baby will bankrupt you! Follow our suggestions and look for other money-saving ideas online. 

How To Save Money As A New Mom

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