The pandemic so far has taught us all some valuable lessons—especially as a student or a mother of a student. You’re not your child’s teacher, but it may be difficult to be totally hands-off as a parent while your child struggles with virtual learning. As they desperately try to focus on their teacher through the computer, there are some steps you can take that’ll improve your child’s focus and help the teacher without making it seem like you’re looming in the background of every lesson. Know how to keep your child engaged in virtual learning and you’ll give a new motherly meaning to the term “teacher’s pet.”
Make Sure Your Child is Eating
Good focus begins with a full stomach and energizing nutrients. Since they’ll be at home all day, you can help them prepare for the day with a healthy breakfast. Breakfast doesn’t have to be heavy—it can be as simple as a banana or some cereal. Make sure they eat something, whether before school or between morning classes.
Turn a Room into a Classroom Setting
For younger children especially, not being able to be in the classroom environment with all of their peers may affect their ability to concentrate in e-learning. Make a dedicated spot in your home for your child’s virtual classes and schoolwork. Having this dedicated schoolwork spot is essential for homework during regular school, but during virtual classes it’ll assist with focus and productivity. Elementary school-aged children may work better with some of the more colorful aspects of their physical schoolroom incorporated into their workspace. As an example, consider adding fun seats for each subject that your child learns—like different colored carpet circles or beanbag chairs.
Keep All Learning Tools Organized
If your child doesn’t have a cubby for their laptop, whiteboards, or notebooks, take some time to create one for these important education accessories. No school day should be thrown off track searching for a misplaced book. Let your child personalize their organizational space with stickers or nametag decorations like they would do at school with cubby (or locker.) Once school is out of session, ask your child if they’ve put all their materials back in the school cubby.
Always Be Interested in What Your Child Learns
Remember, while remote learning may be difficult for you as a parent, it’s even harder on your child and their teachers. The most important tip to remember for how to keep your child engaged in virtual learning is to talk to your children about what they learned today or how their day went. Get involved when you can; if they have a physical education block or required exercise time, try doing some physical activity with them to energize yourself and motivate your child.
The outside world is scary, but the most you can do for yourself and your children is to keep your familial bonds tight. Helping your children with school without smothering or scolding them too harshly is a difficult balance to maintain, but a necessary one.

It’s definitely a new experience for a lot of children so these are some great tips you’ve made!
I feel for all the mamas out there doing this right now. It cannot be easy!
Virtual learning is so part of the new normal now! I can imagine that it cannot be easy for those parents today, so this is extremely useful!
I’m really struggling with keeping my kids engaged now. Love this!
Wha a changing world. Great tips for a new-normal.
These are all amazing tips! Thank you for sharing. I’m definitely going to put these to use
i dont have small kids anymore,,but my daughter is college freshman now…before the school starts last august,i help organize her room turn it cozy,computer table chair,,wire extension,for gadgets,new paint for her room,and a mini speaker…it a great experience to bond with my daughter…
Having interest and being involved as parents really always helps my kids keep focused with their learning.
These are the great points that parents needs to know about virtual learning specially now in pandemic. Most of kids they adjusting about online schooling. Awesome post!
Both of my kids are doing remote school this year, and remote schooling is definitely a challenge. These are all great tips.
Virtual learning is the new norm and I think this is the beginning. Our kids at home are now back to regular school and been to virtual learning for months. Sometimes it is exhausting, but the kids find it just okay.
Virtual learning can be difficult for the parents and especially to the student itself. These are good points you posted. Thanks for this.
These are great tips for children learning at home. I am not a parent, but I know having a separate area for learning/working and having some elements of an office/classroom are a big help for working at home.
When my stepdaughter was over at our house I found out she didn’t do any of her work at all and was missing 28 assignments. So I had to keep checking on her because she spent most days just chatting with her friends on zoom and didn’t do her work. She was not happy with me, but she went from failing to a high B. I don’t know how she is doing now being at her mom’s.
this article is so helpful… as nowadays everything turned into something insane…
Great tips on how to keep your child engaged in virtual learning! I think converting a room into a learning setting can help them really help them focus. But I think the best thing you brought up is participating in their learning by being interested in what they learn!
Virtual Learning is hard but doable! Thank you for your input!
Thanks for sharing this informative post. Keeping my daughter engaged in virtual school has been my battle since March.
Virtual learning has become a vital part of life these days. But keeping kids engaged in online classes is tough, you have provided great solutions.
this is really a useful sharing esp for many parents where their kids are required to learn online at home due to the prevention from the covid19 pandemic. Thanks for sharing. cheers, siennylovesdrawing