Closeup of a woman looking sad – Image Courtesy of Pexels

Now is the time when people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) begin to feel it. SAD is a depression condition that occurs due to a lack of sunlight. Here’s how you can help a friend.

Send a Thoughtful Gift

Any time of year, a small gift is a great way to cheer someone up. But a friend with SAD will like to know that you are thinking about them. Women are most likely to get SAD. But some men do have it too. So you could choose gifts that each person would like. For example, a friend who is a woman might like flowers from a professional service like Le Bouquet Fleurs. Or a male friend might like a new book by their favorite author, like Stephen King or Tom Clancy.

Take Them on a Nature Walk

The health benefits of getting out into nature are well-documented. A 2022 survey published in the British Journal of Mental Health and Addiction found that nature therapy is an effective short-term remedy for mental health problems. Especially anxiety and depression. Given these are the two main symptoms of SAD, a walk in the park or somewhere close to nature and animals can be a great source of relief. And it will help your friend get some more sunlight.

Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder by Listening

Having someone in your life who listens well is linked to a healthier brain. Individuals who can generally count on somebody to pay any attention to them whenever they need to chat may well have stronger measures of mental well-being. This kind of mental health treatment can help protect against age-related brain diseases in the long term. But can also help with stress and anxiety in the short term. Guidance and advice if often all someone needs to get through.

Help Make a Healthy Routine

SAD can make you feel anxious and sad, which can make you feel like you’re losing control of your life. Because of this, you might miss work or essential self-care appointments, and you might get sick in general. If your friend is having severe problems with their mental health and can’t handle it on their own, you can help them come up with a healthy routine. This is often done by assisting people in setting goals, eating well, exercising, and taking care of themselves.

Understand the Condition

Many people have different ideas about SAD. And many experts don’t think it is a real condition. While some people think it’s not. Because of this, it can be hard for someone to get help for it. In these situations, you may be the only person who can help your friend. So it’s important to know what you’re up against. SAD is a form of depression. Because of this, it has many of the same problems, like mood swings, being alone, and not taking care of yourself as you usually would.


You can help a friend with Seasonal Affective Disorder if they are showing signs of depression. Perhaps send a thoughtful gift, be a good listener and try to understand SAD as best you can.
