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How to Get Over Depression and Start Enjoying Your Retirement

Did you know that in 2020 approximately 28.6 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. reported being out of the workforce due to retirement?

Despite the growing number of retirees, it’s easy to feel alone in the process. After all, there’s no step-by-step guide to life after retirement.

This sudden loss of consistency can take a toll on retirees. If you’re suffering from depression after retirement, you’re probably wondering how to alleviate these feelings.

We’re here to help you out. Keep reading below to learn ways to fight retirement depression.

Start by Understanding Post-Retirement Depression

The best way to start treating your post-retirement depression is by unraveling the feelings you’re experiencing.

Work is an integral part of any adult’s life, so it’s natural to feel a sense of loss after retiring. Retirement can make you feel a bit aimless and as if you’ve lost your sense of purpose.

Retirement also gives you a lot of time alone with your thoughts. If you’ve struggled with anxiety and depression in the past, this excess of free time can further exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues. 

These feelings then accumulate and lead to depression. The faster you recognize these aimless feelings are often at the center of this depression, the faster you can work to treat it.

Maintain a Schedule 

It’s tempting to forgo a schedule once you retire. However, this can only add to the aimless feeling experienced by many.

Even a loose schedule can help you feel more grounded. Plan out when to get groceries, when to go on morning walks, etc. It will give you a sense of purpose and help as you plan out what to do in your additional free time.

Combat Depression After Retirement Through Socializing

As you’ll no longer have interactions with coworkers, it’s best to take your newfound time to build up your existing relationships.

If you have a partner who’s also retired, now is the time to take any couple classes or dream vacations you’ve put off.

If you have extended family or children and grandchildren, take time to visit them and strengthen your connections with them. This is the perfect time to babysit grandchildren, as it’s more difficult to connect with them while working full-time.

Now that you have more time on your hands, you can also connect with your friends. If your social circle has yet to retire, seek out ways to find fellow retirees to befriend.

Retirement communities give retirees a chance to connect with each other. Many offer amenities that allow residents to befriend one another, from movie theaters to salons to game rooms. You can see more here on what retirement communities have to offer newly retired individuals. 

Pursue Your Passion Projects

If you’ve ever had a project you put off due to lack of time, you now have the chance to chase after it!

Of course, it can be difficult to build up the motivation to start a project when you’re dealing with depression after retirement. If that’s the case, recruit a loved one to help you get started. Sometimes an external pressure is all we need to begin a project.

Once you’ve built up the momentum, you can pursue your passion project at full speed. It’s also the perfect time to pick up discarded hobbies and interests.

Finding Happiness Again

Any sudden life change can bring about feelings of unease and depression. Retirement is no different.

Luckily, with a strong support team and the right steps, it’s possible to overcome depression after retirement.

For more articles on everything from mental health to travel, check out the rest of our website!

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