
How To Encourage Outdoor Playtime With Toys

How To Encourage Outdoor Playtime With Toys

Having trouble getting your kids to leave the TV behind and enjoy the great outdoors? This summer, you can encourage outdoor playtime with toys to get your kids more active. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!

Sidewalk Chalk

There’s something magical about drawing with chalk—it’s like the whole world becomes one giant canvas. If your kiddos are artists, brainstorm drawings that let their imaginations run wild, like a picnic of their favorite foods or a picture of what they want to be when they grow up.

Outdoor Games Using Chalk

Even if your kids aren’t big into drawing, you can still use chalk to draw games for kids of all ages. Next time you’re outside, try one of these popular sidewalk games:

  • Hopscotch
  • Maze
  • Twister
  • Four Square
  • Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Pictionary

Playground Equipment

If you’re looking to invest in something that will transform your backyard into the perfect outside play space, consider adding playground equipment. Older kids can happily enjoy swings and slides on their own, while younger children may need some parental assistance.

Pro Tip: Going down the slide with your child makes for a great photo opportunity!

Pools and Sprinklers

Water is a great way to help kids stay cool when playing outside. You can float toys together in the kiddie pool or let your kids run through the sprinkler on a hot day. Want to make playing outside special? Popsicles make for a cool and delicious poolside treat.

Electric and Push Car Toys

Technology fascinates kids, even young ones. You can direct that fascination away from your phone or tablet and towards outside play with a car toy, either the self-propelling kind or the push version. You can even play outdoor games with a car toy that teach kids motor skills and show them just how fun it is to be around nature.

Bring Their Indoor Favorites Outside

One of the easiest ways to encourage outdoor playtime with toys is to bring your child’s favorite toys outside. Take dolls, action figures, or stuffed animals on a camping trip, or make a fort using blocks. By incorporating as much of the outdoors as possible, you can teach your kids how being outside presents new and exciting play opportunities.

We’ve all heard that kids spend more time indoors and less time playing outside. Use these tips to get your kids excited about exploring the great big world outside.

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