Lifestyle Parenting Technology

How to Effectively Reduce Kids’ Screen Time and Increase Family Time

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Many parents are concerned their kids spend too much time using tech. Deciding how much screen time is acceptable is a hot topic of debate. Some experts advise screen time should be avoided altogether for younger children, whereas others advocate screen time for its educational benefits, albeit in moderation. Wherever you stand on the screen time debate, chances are you hope to find ways to reduce the hours your child spends mindlessly gazing at their device.

Knowing how to navigate technology, and understanding how to use apps is essential in our technology-driven world, but it shouldn’t be the main way kids spend their free time. Now summer is here; you may be concerned about the prospect of your kids spending their summer break holed away in their rooms. But, finding ways to reduce time spent using tech is not always easy. 

Avoid a Confrontational Approach

While it may be tempting to gather up every device in the house and lock it away, this is unlikely to get the result you hoped for. You probably know from experience how these situations work out; the more you tell a kid not to do something, the more likely they are to go ahead and do it. Turning a desire to reduce screen use into a full-blown battle will escalate the situation and make it more of an issue than it needs to be. Plus, you risk being called a hypocrite every time the kids catch you looking at your phone! 

Taking a more constructive approach and making time away from tech fun and engaging is an excellent method to reduce screen time without the kids noticing. 

Here are some screen-free ideas to get the family spending time together having fun this summer:

Go Camping

Heading off on a camping trip is an excellent excuse to leave the tech at home and get out into nature. Spending time surrounded by the great outdoors and exploring new areas can distract the kids from their computer games and enjoy making memories without interruption. 

Get Active at Home

Investing in some outdoor equipment is an excellent way to encourage the kids to get outside in the fresh air. Looking for the best outdoor sports equipment on sites such as will enable you to have a backyard with everything kids need to be active, and you will be able to use it year after year, so it is sure to get plenty of use.

Learn a New Skill

Showing a willingness to keep learning throughout life sets a positive example for your kids and lets them see you are not afraid to keep trying new things. It is not often in life when parents can learn an entirely new skill alongside their kids, but finding an activity that appeals to the entire family presents a unique opportunity to do this. Learning together and starting from the same level is a great way to bond with the kids while having fun without a screen in sight.

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