Lifestyle Parenting

How To Clear The Kids Toys Out Ready For Christmas

As the festive season approaches, it is time to declutter the children’s drawers and toy cupboards in preparation for the festivities to come and the avalanche of new toys that Santa will inevitable be bringing.  Children vary in their willingness to assist you in sorting everything out; some will love to assist you in tossing out everything if they believe their cupboards will be filled with brand spanking new things in a few weeks. Others will have a nervous breakdown at the prospect of having to throw away their collection of rocks, which they have accumulated over the years. As for parents, they are frequently a roadblock to the entire process due to guilt. Here, we share some tips to make the job as painless and speedy as possible. 

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Don’t spring it on them

Do not just spring it at your children out of nowhere; rather, prepare them in advance of the event. You may give them a heads-up by saying something like, “After school today, we are going to go through your toys cupboard, okay?” You will be able to deal with your child’s emotions much better if you prepare them.

Why and what will you do?

Make a decision in advance about what you intend to do with the items you are donating or selling. Do you want to sell them, donate them to a charity store, donate them to a refuge, pass them on to younger friends or relatives, or something else? If you know what you are going to do with the outgrown toys and clothes, you may talk about it with your children in a straightforward manner. Provide an explanation as to why it is a good idea for you to give them away and what you intend to do with the money you receive if you sell them. This is an excellent time to talk about those who are less fortunate and how this is truly a season of giving; perhaps you can come up with additional ideas for ways to help as well.  

If you really are not sure if you want to sell something or give it away, why not use SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc to store the items unti you are sure either way what you want to do with it? It is out of the way for now, and in six months time, if it has not been played with or asked for, you know it is safe to get rid of.

How to know what to get rid of 

Make a list of everything you intend to get rid of and be specific. Make an honest assessment of what is truly valuable to preserve or give; if you would not be pleased to receive a game with three pieces missing, do not dump your garbage on someone else. Specifically, you want to get rid of:

Anything that is no longer being used 

Anything that is broken or has components missing 

Anything that your children have outgrown

What are your top tips for clearing toys out ready for Christmas?

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