

Disclosure: I am a Beachbody coach, which means if someone makes a purchase from my website I will earn commission from that purchase. With that said, I genuinely want to help people whether they order from me or not and all reviews of Beachbody products are honest and from personal experience. If you need an accountability partner through your health and fitness journey please email me at 

You all may have heard that Shaun T has a new workout called Cize. I had the amazing opportunity to do it live at Beachbody Summit in Nashville a few weeks ago with the man himself, Shaun T. It was SO much fun to do this workout live with 800 other coaches! The energy in the room was incredible (I’m sure the smell was pretty incredible when we were done)! While I was at Summit I got my hands on a copy of Cize to take home with me. I’ve been doing Cize off and on for the past couple of weeks. I’ve gone through all of the workouts now so I feel like I can sit here and give you my honest opinion of it. So here goes.

What I like about it:

1. It is SO much fun!! The dance moves and the music (especially the music at the end when you “Cize It Up”) are so much fun! You just can’t help but move to the music.

2. It is a great cardio workout. I work up a sweat every.single.time I do this workout.

3. It doesn’t feel like a workout. You get so into the music and the moves that you really forget you are working out.

What I don’t like about it:

1. My husband, who is also my workout partner absolutely REFUSES to do this workout with me. I mean he refuses! Since he is my workout partner and I enjoy working out with him in the mornings Cize isn’t something that I will do everyday. Just being honest. This is a workout that I’ll just do on my own a few days a week for fun.

2. There is really no strength training to this workout except for the 8 minute abs (and boy will your abs burn!).

3. I get a little bored while he is breaking down the dance moves at the beginning over and over again. I’ve been known to skip to the end.

With all of this said I really, really LOVE Cize. I really can’t emphasize how much fun this workout is. And the best part is even if you are like me with absolutely no moves Shaun T breaks everything down so that even the worst of us dancers can catch on. And you are doing this from the privacy of your home so who cares how you look. Just move!

Do you want to learn more about Cize? Email me at and I’ll be happy to answer your questions! Are you ready to go ahead and start working on your moves for your next dance off? Order your copy of Cize right here!

My Honest Review of Cize

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  1. I can’t wait to workout to this dvd. And watch my weight fall off. I’ve been struggling with my weight for 8yrs after my last child.. So I’m excited!!!!!

    1. It is so much fun!! If you need any extra accountability support feel free to email me at! I’m always happy to help!

      1. im really wanting to tighten up my loose belly fat what kind of workout would you recommend

  2. Readers keep in mind the disclosures page of this blog that says ‘This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.’

    She does say she is “honest” in her reviews, but I wish this disclosure were in the post itself. Just sayin’…

    1. Thank you for your response. I understand where you are coming from and I will update my post with a coaching disclosure. I help people on a daily basis with no expectations of them ordering from me. I do understand your leeriness as there are some sketchy coaches and mlms out there. But I can assure you I am not one of them. I genuinely want to help people find the best solution for them whether it is a Beachbody product or a free walk around their neighborhood.

  3. I was trying to order the program, the operator “Robert” kept trying to push the other things on me that I didn’t want,I buckled under one, but he won’t shut up about anything else… I ended up canceling my order…Why the hard sell, commissions? If the product is good, It can stand on its own… and people will buy the extra crap later

    1. You aren’t the first person to tell me they’ve left frustrated after trying to order by phone. I hate that they give Beachbody a bad name! : (

  4. How long are the routines? It only states that #1 is 35 minutes.

    1. The shortest routine is 30 minutes and the longest is 52 minutes. There are also 2-3 minute cooldowns for each routine.

  5. I wish I would have saw your blog before ordering. The customer service agent I spoke with was very nice, not pushy but the up sale was a bit annoying. But hey, that’s how they make their living. They offered to have a Beachbody coach reach out to me and I declined because I figured “if this is what it’s like ordering, I can only imagine what it will be like having some stranger call me to hassle me”. Thank you for sharing your honest opinion. I may reach out to you for coaching 🙂 Just hope you don’t try to sale me everything lol

    1. Feel free to reach out to me anytime! I would be happy to help! I’m NOT a salesy coach at all. Feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook if you want to join my accountability group. : ) It’s a strictly sales free group!

  6. I just ordered Cize and cannot wait for it to arrive. I want to make exercise with my 9 year old not feel like exercise.

    1. Awesome!! It’s super fun for kids!

  7. I just started cine today with my nine year old daughter. We love it and it’s something we can do together…Going to try tabata in a couple of days with my 12 year old son. I can’t wait:)

    1. I love hearing from people who get their kids involved in their workouts!! Good luck with tabata!!

  8. I just got off the phone trying to order CIZE, one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve ever had! “Jacob” kept trying to throw all this extra stuff into the sale, stuff that “IF” I don’t want I can cancel a few weeks or months later. I’ve gone down that rabbit hole before …it’s hard to get it stopped and constantly some new ‘small’ charge on my card. ‘Jacob’ talked SO fast and in circles. I finally told him cancel the order, I don’t want anything ! So disappointed I really thought this would help a granddaughter.

    1. I’m so sorry you went through that Karen! I’m sending you an email right now. : )

  9. I ordered cize on the phone, I just wanted to try the basic program 3 payments of 19.99. The ups were so fast and my 1st payment turned out to be $58? I am.canceling this asap. Sad because I just ordered it 15 min ago.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that Julie! Unfortunately, I’ve heard horror stories about ordering programs by phone. Were you charged more because they upsold you on something?

  10. […] Cize is officially out!! To learn more about my thought on Cize now that I’ve gone through all of the workouts go check out my review here! […]

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