homemade gummies

My husband, yes my husband has been begging me to make homemade gummy bears for years. Gummy bears are his absolute favorite candy. The thought of making my own candy has always intimidated me. I’ve always thought the ingredients would be too hard to find or it would take too much time or make a huge mess. Let me tell you these homemade gummy bears are one of the easiest and most inexpensive things I’ve made. They only take 3 ingredients and about 15-20 minutes of work. That’s it!

homemade gummies


    • Non-flavored gelatin
    • 1 small box of jell-o
  • 1/2 cup of water


You’ll start by filling a medium sized pot with water and bring the water to a boil.

homemade gummies

While you are waiting for the water to boil fill a glass measuring cup with 1/2 a cup of water. Slowly pour 3 packets of gelatin into the 1/2 cup of water while stirring continuously to avoid clumping.

homemade gummies

After you’ve stirred the gelatin in mix the entire pack of jell-o in with the gelatin. It will be pretty thick.

homemade gummies

When your water comes to a boil put the entire measuring cup in the boiling water and let the jell-o and gelatin turn into a smooth liquid.

homemade gummies

Once it’s liquefied pull the measuring cup out of the water and very carefully pour the mix into your candy molds. When the liquid cools down a little put the mold in the freezer for about 10 minutes. When you take the mold out of the freezer the gummies will pop right out of the mold and you’ll have perfect, delicious gummies.

I bought my candy mold from Party City. You can find tons of candy molds on Amazon for next to nothing. Here are some that are especially festive for Halloween.

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1 Comment

  1. I’ve made these and my family just loves them. So easy to do but I just pop in the refrigerator for a few hours rather than the freezer. I also found it easier to transfer to the fridge by putting the molds onto a foil lined cookie sheet or I end up with gelatin all over the kitchen floor.

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