
Great Gardening Projects for Kids This Spring

Great Gardening Projects for Kids This Spring

Winter is over, and spring fills our days with sunshine and beautiful afternoons. Kids are always looking for something fun and exciting to do, and the great outdoors is calling their names. Here are some great gardening projects for kids this spring to delight and entertain your kids throughout this gorgeous season.

Growing a Microgreen Garden

Microgreens are a great project for young kids because they grow quickly enough to satisfy even the most impatient child. When given proper water and sunlight, sprouts can bloom in as little as a week. Microgreen kits are easy to put together and come in many varieties, including broccoli and kale.

For a bonus project, grow your microgreens in a ceramic pot. You and your kids will have a blast painting and customizing your containers.

Planting Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are typically best when planted in autumn, but many trees also flourish in the springtime. Slow and steady is the name of the game with fruit trees but seeing your child’s tree grow alongside them is a magical feeling you don’t want to miss. Plum trees grow wonderfully in spring and are great for kids, as they don’t typically grow as large as other fruit-bearing trees.

Making Feeders

Making feeders is a great project for kids this spring if you’re looking for something more hands-on or don’t have space to plant a garden. Make an excellent garland bird feeder by sliding thread between apple slices coated with peanut butter and birdseed.

With an old ketchup bottle, some sugar water, and a cotton ball, you can make a butterfly feeder to hang from a tree branch. Feeders are a great way to bring some local wildlife to your yard; you and your kids will enjoy making this hands-on project together.

Spring is a magical time of year, and garden projects are a fantastic way to get everybody outside and have fun in the warmth of the new season.

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