If you are unlucky enough to struggle with your fertility, either due to a pre-existing condition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis, or due to another reason, then you may be considering going down the IVF route. 

IVF, also known as In Vitro Fertilisation, has allowed millions of couples, who otherwise would not have been able to fall pregnant, to start families. It’s a miracle of modern science, and offers incredible potential. 

However, while IVF has made pregnancy a possibility for millions of couples who struggle with their fertility, and could be a viable option for you, it’s important to be aware of the ins and outs of the process, and the hard fact that there are never any guarantees. 

To give you an idea of what to expect from IVF, below is a guide to the ins and outs of the process – and what tends to normally happen when going through it. Read on for everything that you need to know. 

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IVF can take a while

The fact is that IVF can actually take a while. It’s not just a case of deciding that you want to use IVF to get pregnant, there’s a lot more to the process than that. You will need to speak with a doctor and get a referral to a specialist IVF clinic. You may also be asked to consider your other options, such as surrogacy and adoption, in case IVF is unsuccessful. 

Before the IVF process can begin, you and your partner will need to undergo a number of different tests, including the potential for genetic testing. This is because some clinics offer testing for hereditary diseases as part of the IVF process, such as the embryo testing done at AFCC, for instance. 

Once the IVF process begins – which includes hormone shots and a number of other medications – you will have a number of steps that you need to follow. 

It is important to have emotional support 

The truth is that when it comes to IVF, very few couples get lucky and see success the first time. Most couples need to have a few cycles of IVF to see success; of course the ability to do this does depend on your budget and financial circumstances. Sadly, some couples will never fall pregnant at all, despite numerous rounds of IVF. 

The entire process of undergoing IVF is emotionally draining and incredibly stressful, which is why it’s so important to have a strong emotional support system in place, for both yourself and your partner. Speak to friends and loved ones before you start treatment, to ensure that you have enough support available to you, should you need it. 

While IVF can be a long process that is filled with stress and worry, if even one round of IVF treatment is successful, it has the potential to change your entire life. It can be hard going through the process, especially as it can take a long time to work. However, if it means that at the end of it you come out with a baby, then all the stress and worry has been more than worthwhile. 

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  1. Thanks for sharing this amazing article. It gives a positive impact on choosing IVF treatment

  2. A very informative article, thanks for sharing it…

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