Antioxidants are truly a gift from nature to us. They can be found in numerous foods and are able to reduce the risk of illness and diseases including heart disease. They can also help us to look and feel healthier for longer. They work by preventing or reducing the amount of oxidation that takes place in the body’s cells.
Okay, that sounds great, but how can we all get more antioxidants in our diets? Eating the following antioxidant-rich “superfoods” is a great way to start:
Blue, red and purple grapes are all an excellent source of antioxidants. The dark pigment that gives these grapes their color is loaded with phytochemicals and antioxidants that are known to protect against heart disease and cancer, and which are also great for the immune system. As if that wasn’t enough, they’re a great source of selenium and vitamin C too.
Given that they are a similar color to blue grapes, it is not surprising that blueberries should also be packed with antioxidants. Scientists believe blueberries could be great for strengthening the immune system, and like grapes, helping to prevent heart disease and cancer when eaten regularly. They’re great on top of porridge or served with natural yogurt, so try to eat some every day.
It shocks a lot of people, but coffee is actually a pretty healthy beverage when consumed in moderation. Packed with approximately 1000 separate antioxidants, coffee beans are actually one of the best sources around. As well as getting the benefits from those antioxidants your best Nespresso compatible capsules or ground coffee beans could also help to boost and protect your memory, give you an edge when it comes to performance in exercise and work, and lower your risk of developing diabetes. It really is a fabulous addition to any diet.
Nuts are a great snack for anyone who is trying to be healthier. They’re filling and a good source of healthy fats. They’re also packed with phytochemicals like plant sterols and resveratrol that could help to bring your cholesterol levels down. Eat them daily and you’ll feel amazing.
Leafy green veggies
Leafy green veggies like kale, broccoli, and spinach are packed with cancer-fighting antioxidants. They also contain vitamins E, C, and A in abundance along with healthy doses of magnesium and potassium. Serve them up daily as apart of a side salad for optimum health, especially if you’re veggie or vegan.
Orange veggies
Most of us know that green veggies are good for us and an excellent source of antioxidants, but did you know orange veggies such as pumpkin and sweet potatoes are just as amazing? Packed with a wide range of vitamins and antioxidants, they are one of the most health-protective substances on the planet. Eat them in abundance to stave off illness and disease.
The bottom line
Antioxidants are good for us and adding more of the above foods is a great way to protect your health, but eating antioxidant-rich food alone isn’t enough. If you want to be truly healthy you need to eat right, exercise, see your doctor regularly, learn to relax, and basically live a good life!

Yes! Thanks for the reminder to get more antioxidants in my diet. They are so good for you.