Lifestyle Parenting

Forever Photos you Need for Your Family

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What kind of family photos do you have in your family? Are they formal or informal, or a mixture of both? What qualities do they have? Often, family photos are a mixed bag, and your heritage and practices are passed on. But it doesn’t have to be like that; you can be more intentional about your families forever photos if you like. 

The Classic Pose

Every family needs a classic pose picture. These are the ones that hang in pride of place in your home’s family room or have their own business in your family album. A classic family pose is something you and your family will always look fondly on. 

There are different ways of making a classic pose family picture. You could hire a professional photographer and go to a studio or create a DIY effort at home. Both options are good, and with today’s digital technology, you can get some excellent DIY results

The Candid Shot

To complement your classic pose family photo or instead of one, consider the candid shot. These are pictures of your family hanging out in natural poses, and they are ideal if you have little ones that won’t sit still. Again, these pictures can be done professionally or by yourself. 

If you hire a photographer, they will probably set up a scenario in which you can naturally play and interact. Excellent Candid photos are taken in this way. The alternative is to use a modern camera on days out and vacations. Try to formalise your shots. 

The Classic Kids Shot

Every family needs to have classic kids shots at different ages. These are the pictures your children look back at when they’re all grown up and reminisce about. If you take classic kids shots at different ages, it gives you some perspectives later in life. 

For classic kids shots, it’s a good idea to hire a professional photographer, especially in those early years when they change so much. Find a professional photographer you trust and arrange a classic kids shot once a year. 

Mom and Dad With Kids 

Don’t forget the mom and dad with kids shots, especially if it’s new born photography. These are the family photos that will go down in history. Your children and their children will be able to reminisce and historicise the family with these and communicate so much about your family and its relationships. 

This type of photo can be arranged formally and informally as well. It’s good to have some formal versions of these, but it practice informal mom and dad photos are easier to capture and more natural. Just remember to have a good camera available to get the best shots. 

Kids Being Kids

Last but not least is the kids Being kids photos that will live on in your family memory for generations. These are the natural pictures of your kids that show off their personalities and their relationships. It also reminds the grown-up versions of what they used to enjoy. 

Formal versions of these pictures will require some setting up. The end result will look professional and natural, so it’s worth considering. The alternative is to go on vacation with the intention of capturing some pictures like this. Simply take a lot of pictures and pare them down. 

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