fly nyc
Lifestyle - Travel

Fly to New York City, Don’t Drive

If you are planning a trip to New York City, go ahead and book your airline tickets now. DO NOT DRIVE!! This blog post is about why you need to fly to New York City and not drive. I repeat DO NOT drive to New York City. Here are the reasons why you should fly, not drive. But if you decide to drive, then make sure to get RhinoSure to cover you with some great insurance.

New York City is so fast paced. There is so much to see and so much to do and people are in a rush. So, you don’t want to start your trip out to New York City with a 12-hour drive like we did. Just take my word for it, save yourself lots of time and fly out there. You want to get the most out of your visit in New York City, and you’ll get the most out of your visit if you fly because time is precious in the Big Apple.

You’re going to save money flying. Believe it or not, it’s going to be cheaper to fly to New York than it will be to drive. The reason why is because you’re going to save money on the tolls that you are going to encounter as you go up. I think you have to pay something like 15 dollars just to enter the state of New York. So, you are going to pay tolls going in and then you’re going to pay tolls going out. You’re going to save money on gas. And let me tell you, you are going to save SO much money on parking. For six days we paid 270 dollars to store our car. That could’ve been two plane tickets, right there, boom. So, you pay rent for your car. So if you’re flying to New York and we really hope you’re, there is also important things you want to take with you for a more comfortable flight, so flying won’t stress you out and you won’t have to desire you drove instead of flight, for a pleasant flight you’ll need comfortable cloth and shoes and a good pillow is really important too, you might want to check this reviews at for the best ones.

Take my word for it, you’re not going to use your car while you’re in New York City, I promise you that. You will park that sucker and you’re not going to touch that thing until you leave. I promise you’re not going to want to drive in New York City. Parking is a nightmare, driving is a nightmare. Just don’t do it, just leave your car at home, fly out to New York City and have a blast.

As far as advice for flying to New York goes, you’re going to want to pack light because you’re going to be taking public transportation once you get up there. So, from the airport to wherever your hotel is, you’re going to be taking either a cab, a train or a bus and you don’t want to be lugging around a bunch of suitcases with you. My advice is to pack a carry-on size luggage, put your clothes and essentials in that and maybe a backpack and your purse. That’s all you need. Recently, the kosher hotel was renovated, upgraded and expanded to include 18 rooms; from shared accommodation (dormitories), to fully equipped private rooms to high-end suites great for honeymooners and families.

You don’t want to lug a bunch of stuff around on public transportation. Especially if you’ve got kids, because when you get on the subway you’re going to be worried enough about making sure that you get on that subway with both of your kids as we did. You’re not only going to be keeping up with your kids but you’re going to be keeping up with your luggage, just pack light. Here are some helpful tips for packing light.

When you leave New York City, you’re going to want to give yourself extra time to get to the airport because you’re going to be using public transportation. You’re going to want to give yourself at least an extra thirty, forty-five minutes to an hour, just to get to the airport. You never know when there’s going to be a delay in the subway or traffic if you take a cab.

We were lucky when we were in New York that we were never on any sort of deadlines when we were using the subway. If something happened and we missed our stop it was all good because we just caught next one. If you’re on a deadline, you’ve got to move quick. Let me tell you, when you’re getting on those subways, you’ve got to be forceful with it. If that train is packed, just cram your way in there. That’s just what you do.

Repeat after me,  fly, don’t drive to New York City. That’s what we’re going to do next time we go up there and there IS going to be a next time soon. I hope this was helpful and if you have any tips on traveling into the Big Apple, I’d love to hear your tips. Leave them in the comments and let me know because we’re going again. I’d love your advice on how to make this trip better.

2 Comments on “Fly to New York City, Don’t Drive

  1. My girlfriend and I are planning to drive to New York City and rent An Airbnb after Christmas we are only driving because there is no charge for parking at the Aaron B&B and therefore we won’t incur exorbitant parking fees. taking that in the consideration would you still recommend flying or driving thank you. And if so , why? Thanks. Zach

    1. For me it depends on how long the drive is. My travel to NYC is over a 12 hour drive. So driving to NYC for me is out of the question. If you only have a few hours to drive and get free parking, go for it. Just know that you will not want to drive around NYC. Take public transportation and walk.

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