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Frequently Asked Questions For Beginner Runners

FAQ for beginner runners

FAQ for beginner runners

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My whole life I never thought I would be a runner and never had the desire to run. I didn’t start running until I was 31 years old. One morning I woke up miserable with my body and decided something had to change. At church that morning they announced the church was hosting a 5K that afternoon. I decided that I had to sign up, even if I had to walk most of it. I completed my first 5K at 31 years old in 45 minutes. It wasn’t easy, but crossing the finish line was worth it. I’ve been addicted to running since that day.

You can become a runner no matter what your age is. Here are the questions my friends and family ask me about running for beginners:

  1. How do you get the motivation to get started?

    So many of my friends and myself want to start, but they have a hard time getting motivated. I’ve found that finding accountability partners help me. Whether it’s my husband, friends, family or random strangers online. Finding someone or multiple someones to motivate you will help you get started.
  2. What gear do I need?

    Comfortable running shoes are a must. If you have the wrong shoes you run the risk of hurting yourself. Running in the wrong shoes can lead to many injuries. You can get a good pair of running shoes without breaking the bank. I highly recommend visiting a local running shop and being fitted for the right shoes. I did this and was able to get some shoes on clearance for less than $50.
  3. Are there any apps that can help me?

    I highly recommend the Couch to 5K program if you are just getting started. I’ve talked to several friends who have had fantastic results from this program. Map My Run is another app that is great for tracking your runs. And of course, I use my Fitbit app to compete with my friends.
  4. What tech gear do you recommend?

    I personally love my Fitbit Charge 2. I’ve had a few issues with syncing since I’ve upgraded my phone to the Samsung Galaxy S9. But other than that it is a fantastic tracker. I’ve also heard really good things about the Garmin Vivosport. Vivosport just like Fitbit comes in a variety of price points and offerings.
  5. Do I need to workout AND run? Isn’t running enough?

    I highly recommend working out and running. You need to build muscles to support yourself during your runs. If you don’t you will run the risk of injuring yourself. Trust me. It’s happened to me and knocked me down for 4 months. If you are just starting out I recommend running twice a week, strength training twice a week, yoga once a week and a rest day. Variety is the spice of life. You don’t want to bore yourself doing the same thing every day so alternate.

I hope this list helps those of you who are looking into running. If you need a little motivation, feel free to give me a shout in the comments or shoot me an email at cyndi@ I would love to help! Happy running!

frequently asked questions for beginner runners

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